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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. thanks again meanie, really liked the xd...look forward to gettin with ya sometime again
  2. we should bomb them again for not apologizing for pearl harbor bastards
  3. probably different type of riding...theyre probably crossing creeks and shit
  4. when hes ready to buy, tell him to get a grizzly....you can beat the hell outta them and they will last forever, and you will never get one stuck (unless youre an idiot lol)
  5. i think the most impressive was the opening stunt where he jumped off that building without getting hurt
  6. now that TD is not being a douche we need somebody else to get this thread rolling again...im fuckin bored and cant procrastinate my homework much longer if theres nothing to fucking read
  7. what kind of boat do you have?
  8. it wont stick...hes not the first person to get in trouble for this, and it will get tossed out just like it has every other time. if you dont know the term, check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stare_decisis and why is there another thread about this, claiming to have an update, yet failing to provide any updates at all?
  9. get racoon traps and set them out at night while your dog will be inside....put some food in there, and a bowl of antifreeze one of these things http://www.northerntool.com/images/product/images/166925_lg.jpg
  10. TD...time for an OR cookout on your boat?
  11. speaking of taxes...it pissed me off we have to pay tax on used vehicles....tax was paid when it was new, shouldnt have to be paid again!
  12. ive heard chain slap before, and it sounded nothing like todds bike....that sounds like major rod knocking - sounds like he spun a bearing worth a shot i guess, but i wouldnt get your hopes up todd
  13. people all manage their cash differently... my mom dated a dude who made millions of dollars a year running his own IT company, and he lived in a 4 bedroom house in marysville and drove a honda pilot...nothing special...wanted to put his 4 kids thru college and retire to the bahamas afterwards, so he sat on every dime lol (until the 2010 camaros came out that is, he ordered one right away lol one of the first in town)
  14. i wish they would just cancel social security - asap i already know it wont be there when im ready to claim it, and im tired of paying into it outta my hard earned money, knowing i will never see a dime of it back
  15. yea didnt he mention his oil looking like antiseize?
  16. i wouldnt buy something cheaper - ide pay off my debt and save for something i actually want...no point to get rid of my bike and get one i like even less lol....and the offer i got isnt ground breaking or anything, but its more than i would pay for it if i was in the market lol and i commute on it when its nice out, but i work at like 3am, and its too damn early for me to ride...i am awake for 15mins in the mornings before im in my truck driving to work, i hate riding when im half asleep like that - especially when its hot and nasty out
  17. gonna go out on a limb and say thats not the primary living space trying to find the post on powerstrokenation where he put up that pic it looks more like something somebody would use for an office if they owned their own business ( i know a guy with that exact setup - but he has big trucks in the garage instead of a boat)....people who can afford that boat/truck combo, dont live in trailers lol
  18. ^ how do you avoid that? fucking tax ninja and your black market sheepstitution
  19. im starting to lean towards this - despite getting a real good offer on it, i guess even if i cant sell it this high next year when im ready to upgrade, ill have atleast ridden it enough to get my moneys worth and like i said, im not actually worried about my truck payment, hell its so small its auto withdrawn from my savings and i dont even pay attention to it lol but i got a nice offer on the bike and thought i might let it go - may not get the same offer twice....but the more i think about it, slow bike is better than no bike at all
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