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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. the cool kids dont like me enough to invite me yet, thats why i need the sticker first
  2. Todd called MJ a "self-important cunt" and TD was annoying mods, abusing the report button, and just overall pushing to see how far he could get that about sums it up
  3. can ya bring me a black OR sticker tomorrow? forgot to get one when i was at your place today lol

  4. ^ meanie...you talking about 310 and 70? im watching my girls house and she lives right down the service drive right there so i could ride up with you guys possibly
  5. oh ...guess the funny just wasnt projected across the internet lol...someone asked about boobs, so i answered that there werent any besides...no pr0nz can be found in honda video
  6. you wont be roadloking it when you first pull in and park and i close line you off of it and hop on...fool on a side note, i almost got to ride my buddys busa the other day lol...he left his key in it at work and the security guard saw it and took the key out for him and left a note on the bike i was walking out with my helmet, and he stops me and says "do you own a blue suzuki?"....fun did not ensure though my conscience took over lol
  7. sam - im gonna steal your boosa and make many joy rides.....todd, 20 roll against my new busa?
  8. oh yea... i forgot to mention that in the morning after its been sitting for 18 hours, when i try to crank it over in gear, it kinda rolls forward a little bit on me lol it makes sense now...guess i didnt understand fully how the clutch works on this bike
  9. shawn...gonna send you the same PM i sent todd lol
  10. i was told to not use synthetic in the vmax since it was designed in 85 and is meant to run dino oil? its kinda taboo on the vmax boards...but i might give the disel oil a shot on my next oil change someone on vmax site said this that also makes sense...so im not gonna worry about it, but i may try and clean it up a little bit with the diesel oil next change can i run the diesel for a full cycle or would it be best to run it for only a few hundred miles and change it out?
  11. this whole day has me confused....does anyone really understand the schedule? if so, shoot me a PM please.... i am dog sitting on saturday, so i cant be out the whole day..gotta let the dogs out atleast once...im thinking i can show up at 10, get done around 3-4?? then head to my girls house in pataskala and let their dogs out real quick, then head back for the pig roast and music... but im confused as fuck as to where i need to be at what times etc lol someone help my dumbass out
  12. may have to hit you up on this...casper is buying that comp monitor from me lol so i have gas money now to get through the ride
  13. howard is my homeboy except, i think he actually hates me with a fiery passion
  14. i use yamalube 10w40 and when i topped it off i used valvoline motorcycle oil 20w50 (its all they had for motorcycles at the speedway i stopped at after seeing my oil level light coming on under hard excel)
  15. my bike was running low on oil so i topped it off and added way too much on accident...after that i started having this problem, so i did an oil change on it and it hasnt gone away so im stumped heres my symptoms: in the morning i roll down the driveway in reverse before starting the bike since i leave so early....well, when the bike isnt runnings, i have to like force it..it wont just rolls backwards i actually have to put effort into moving backwards down a sloped driveway if i fire it up first, it immediately rolls with no problem at all do i have too much oil in it? or could it be something else? didnt notice this problem until i overfilled the oil but i had someone hold it up level for me while i checked the sight window and the oil is 3/4 of a way up between the two marks, so it appears the oil level is ok also, even before i had this problem, if i pull in the clutch while its shut off, it was hard to move for the first initial push...ide have to sit on it and shove it forward real hard, and then its like it would break loose and start to roll freely i havent tried rolling it around in neutral...i park in first and when i hop on in the morning i just put in the clutch and roll down the driveway then fire it up and go...ill try neutral tomorrow and see if it helps...but does anyone have any idea whats going on? if the bike is running, it doesnt have any of these problems
  16. todd...you keep your grimey hands off my mother, you sexual deviant.
  17. but then ide miss the entertainment lol just sucks that TD can dish it out but if you respond you get "reported"
  18. how long will it last though? im sure theyll be back lol
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