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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ^ i hear you have a sweet self propelled push mower mow my yard bitch!
  2. buy a cheap dirt bike for like $400 and practice on it...then resell for the same amount you paid practice clutching it up, its easier than powering it
  3. good thing he had his gear on wtf happened? he get fixated on the van and just head on into it?
  4. please note - i only do this shit part time while im in college to pay my insurance, cell phone, and gas money i have no intentions of working in a warehouse my whole life - $12.32/hr for 15-25 hours a week just dont cut it for me
  5. 15 an hr is decent pay for unskilled warehouse work
  6. hell i wish i made 15 an hour....ill keep dreaming....in like 3-4yrs ill be at 15 maybe (hope i dont work there that long) and the thing about UPS....theres nowhere to move up...theres no job above any other job, its all the same stuff...jumping up to management is a pay CUT and you lose the union so nobody wants to do it...most workers are part time with full time jobs elsewhere, so its not like they have anything to really look forward to moving up to UPS has AMAZING benefits, which is why 90% of the people work there....i know a guy that makes 100k a year working for the gov. and he still works at UPS part time to get the benefits for his family - its not that he needs the money, or wants to even go anywhere in the company, he just needs teh benefits
  7. i agree...UPS layed off a shit load of feeder drivers this year when the economy took a hit...the volume has not gone down at all, so its not that we just didnt need them anymore, it was about saving money....if there was a pay cap it would save the company enough money to have possibly kept those other people employed....but then it comes down to, were getting by without them - so even if we had the funds to keep them, would we? probably not.... maybe i have a skewed opinion because i work at UPS, but it just seems like they will do anything they can to save money - even some things that are unreasonable (paper totes with wire in them...the wire rips and will cut you open if youre not careful...but they wont replace those $0.50 totes, just keep using them! theyre fine!.....as you bleed all the way to the first aid kit to get a bandaid or 7
  8. i agree...but that is nothing to get after the employees about...that is a union problem *no pay caps* if your employer called you into their office and offered you a raise, would you tell them no because "you dont think you deserve it"? i wouldnt. but i think if a new contract was written up that had a $15/hr pay cap, it would be a great thing for the company...it would allow them to save a lot of money without having to treat employees like shit to do it the problem there is business ethics...its all about greed, no matter how much you cut back the pay, nothing will change at most places...instead of saving a million bucks, now they would be able to save a million plus another 5 million or whatever...its not like they would use the money saved to replace worn out equipment and stuff, it would just go to lining their pockets im tired of working with broken ass equipment because theyre too cheap to replace stuff i slice myself open all the time on broken shit...hell our computers still run windows 98
  9. you enjoy full benefits and a little extra money on the side? its not like theres anywhere to "move up" to...basic labor is basic labor there
  10. because back before computers when these guys started working, it was skilled labor - im talking people who have been there for 30-40 years and i make nowhere near that much ,you musta missed where i said i make about $150 a week after taxes i also agree a pay cap should be implemented, because i dont think any job in that building is hard enough (anymore) to be worth that kind of pay...i think 15 an hour would be a decent pay cap for the type of work we do i dont make the rules, i was just telling how its set up and technically....its considered skilled labor because of how it was back in the day...but now that the computers print out labels, the only thing we need to know how to do is read 4 letters/numbers....so i dont consider it skilled myself
  11. oh...and you guys make more on friday than i make in 2 weeks....i would happily work that - you hiring? lol
  12. if HR did their job like that, the unions wouldnt be necessary at all...but too often, the management will stick together and its just the employees who end up suffering
  13. hell ide be there too! whats nice for me is peak season during the winter...i work part time so anything over 25hrs a week is overtime, but the way its setup is daily for us...so if i work 6 hours on monday, thats 5hrs normal pay and 1 hour time and a half, even if i called off the rest of the week and yea we run full capacity too....our building was designed to flow 6 sets and we run 9-11 at a time now...they even cancelled the shift before ours and moved the employees from it to our shift to try and cram us in better to save more money and they started this shady tactic of getting fulltimer to quit/retire.... they took the 8hr full time shifts (some of them - not all) and broke them into two 4 hour shifts, but placed them from 4am-9am and 5pm-9pm, so you have to drive there twice every day theres no pay cap...so the full timers have been there forever, and make about $30 an hour doing the same stuff new hires do for $8 an hour...so theyre trying to find ways to push out all the full time jobs
  14. youre right - i havent seen the process go down daily at my job. i watched a dude straight up cuss out a female supe who was harassing him - she fired him on the spot he was back the following wednesday because he had his hearing on monday you have to be a pretty big dbag to actually get fired from a union job and then have it hold out through the hearings and appeals
  15. i work with a guy like this what a piece of shit...he bothers me.... all the management want his ass out, the rest of us want his ass out, yet hes still there.... and hes always got his fuckin cell phone out recording video and taking pictures any time any employee or supervisor does anything wrong.... then he will file a grievance on the supe or he will save the video of the workers until the next time he gets in trouble and then he will say "well you guys let this guy do it!" and god forbid he sees a white guy breaking a rule, then it becomes a whole race issue....white dude was wearing headphones and were not allowed....well this guy had gotten in trouble for it in the past, so he pulls out his camera and takes a pic of the white guy wearing them and then files a grievance against our supe for racism, when the supe made the white guy take them off as soon as he saw them anyways *** the guy is black, fyi
  16. im sure thats what the egyptians said right before tossing the slave jews into fire pits theres a difference in trying to run a successful business and abusing your workers hell, if you want successful just go hire a bunch of little kids...they dont even understand the concept of money, give them a dollar and they will be ballers, they will work as long as you make them work there has to be someone who steps in and draws the line
  17. go work for a huge company like UPS that doesnt give a shit about their employees since theres so many of them...then come back and tell me that unions arent needed its give and take...if they treat us well, were going to work...but if im working and one of the supervisors begins to hassle me for no reason, you bet your ass im slowing down to the bare minimum just because were workers, does not mean they should be allowed to step on us...if you want us to work hard, and respect you, then let us do our job and show us some respect. im not breaking my balls for a company that is going to treat me like shit - and thats where the union steps in perfect example: busting ass all day doing a great job, me and the other 2 guys im working with stop for 5mins because one guy has to go to the bathroom (we work as a set so we cant run with just 2)....supervisor comes over telling us we suck and were worthless and were the reason the whole building is behind etc..... now, keep in mind, we had gotten more done that day than any other set - but since we stopped for a bathroom break, they felt the right to come at us with that shit that was the last truck we did that day, we slowed down to snail speed - fuck them....you earn respect if you want it, that purple shirt and khakis doesnt mean anything to me - and theres nothing they could do about it because they would have had to go get a union steward to overseer it if they were to reprimand us, and they definitely did not want the union guys coming over with their little book that tells how many bathroom breaks were allowed to have, how many boxes per hour we have to move, etc
  18. i get a 35 cent raise every 6 months...but every time i get a raise, my union dues go up....that kinda shit bothers me too but they keep the vultures off our backs while working, and they secured our benefits....i pay like $30 a month or so in union dues outta one of my checks, its well worth the job security and the peace of mind that theres a process behind everything and some nutjob supervisor on her period cant just go and fire people (i mean.....they do it, but then we get a hearing and it never sticks)
  19. gotcha..im not UAW, im in Teamsters
  20. im a union member and i work damn hard for the little bit of money that i make
  21. does the a/c blow ice cold? is this bike stick or auto? i never even got to ride this thing
  22. sounds like a sweet hobby for your kids! i retract my previous statement - thought it was just a buncha grown men doing it
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