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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Seems like a second gen Valkyrie to me. I would like to demo one even though it'll be years before I consider buying another cruiser.
  2. I am not against adding states. There is no reason that Alaska and Hawaii should be the last ones. But the US isn't the same economic juggernaut it was when we added #49 & 50. We could absorb their economic challenges without much concern. Peurto Rico or other terrtories could be added but (IMO) they would need to meet some minimum theshold for per capita GDP, infrastructure, existence of schools, etc.
  3. Based on standard of living, I would have to say no. I would imagine they would be the "poorest" state. If they discovered substantial oil or gold reserves I would think everyone in D.C. would be tripping over each other to convince them to apply for statehood.
  4. It would be a financial drain on the US gov't. I would think that a significant percentage of people in PR would fall under the poverty line and qualify for US public welfare programs. I don't see how the we could support that fiscally.
  5. Is this the quote? "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
  6. Parma Police corruption? No way http://www.cleveland.com/parmapolice/index.ssf?/parmapolice/more/104772432262810.html Old article, but it's a good example. I was indirectly involved with trying to put a stop to the Parma Police overtime scams.
  7. Yep. Parma is notorious for this. They confiscated 2 pistols (Glock and S&W revolver) from my female neighbor after some domestic disturbance, and gave her a receipt. For months afterward, the Parma Police told her they were lost and gave her endless runaround. They couldn't seem to find them until she hired a lawyer. Then they turned up rather quickly.
  8. Whats holding you back the man.
  9. First time I rode 536 was in '02 or '03 on a POS Yamaha Radian with questionable tires. Back then, 536 was often a part of our routes. As the group's pace picked up (due to rider experience, more capable bikes, etc) we started avoiding 536. It's claimed lots of clutch levers over the years. There are better roads for corner carving in the area.
  10. I've ridden a road or two. I didn't know it was possible to ride one under the speed limit. I will allow for more reserve on unfamilair terrain though. Speed ratings for corners are pretty subjective and they cover school busses, trucks, & old ladies. Ohio is very conservative with speed 'suggestions' for curves compared to a state like WV. A curve marked 25mph in OH is equates to a 35 or 40 in WV...I do tend to pay more attention to the WV signs. I might give that under the speed limit thing a try one of these days.
  11. Whatever you're doing is fast on 255, I can't keep you in sight.
  12. You do not talk about fight club
  13. If I were to buy I tablet I would give Win 8 a try.
  14. Depends how long and how steep the grade. On a ride earlier this year, UP and I got detoured onto a shitty gravel (larger stones) road with steep incline and an even steeper decline. It was pretty hectic. Street tires are not meant for those conditions. We did the decline under 5mph, with little to no traction. At one point, I had both brakes locked and was still sliding down the hill out of control. My bike easily could of wound up on it's side. I've ridden dirt bikes in much worse conditions than that without issue, but I wouldn't do it again on street tires.
  15. My current CORE pace is 'wringing the neck' of a Suzuki Gladius. A nice sport pace but not crazy fast.
  16. We could talk about CORE and how it's group dynamics evolved, but it would only be interesting to a handful of people on here. The rides are mostly northerners that want to ride a full day (400-500 miles, occasionally more) of good twisty roads. Early starts and not much downtime...stopping for meals is usually not in the program. I think that kind of riding is great fun, but I can see why others would not. I've been on OR rides that felt like CORE rides. CORE pace is kind of an urban legend. Riding within limits is always more important than being fast...but some of the rides have been pretty darn quick
  17. I still think my GS2 4G is badass.
  18. Obama - Obamacare penalty is not a tax. Supreme Court - the only reason Obamacare can impose a penalty is because it's a tax.
  19. Charge .25/mile and provide a waiver form. It's a tax write off:)
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