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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. So...in summary...welcome to OR.
  2. I totally blame obama, atheists, and guns.
  3. This. For AMA, I wonder how much of their $$ comes from TV? Probably not too much as the tv ratings aren't great.
  4. Did you read the whole article, or just highlight the parts you agreed with? Also, pay attention to the part where is says trail braking contradicts other more accepted street riding techniques (MSF, Code, etc.) Weighting the front end doesn't mean, smooth uneventful cornering.
  5. Out of curiosity, what are you basing this on? Did you reason this yourself, or have you gotten it from another source? What you are suggesting is contradictory to what most will teach, including Keith Code. Not to sound like a dick, but what you're explaining kinda sounds like mistakes made by inexperienced riders.
  6. Trail braking isn't really a 'good habit.' You're better off staying off the brakes and leaning further with a slight throttle input as IP mentioned above...see Keith Code Bike Cornering Bible.
  7. ^^^ Tires have a fixed amout of grip. You can use that grip for cornering or braking (or acceleration). When you divide that grip between cornering and braking, bad things can happen. Trail braking has a place, but it's an advanced technique with certain risks. I wouldn't suggest that for a newer rider.
  8. I agree that there will be some type of out of court civil settlement. The reason I bring up airplanes, is that TSA regs and associated laws aren't airplane specific. Their broader scope public safety related to public transportation. If deemed that any of those laws are applicable, she may be dealing with a lot more that an assault charge.
  9. She spit on, choked, & hit the driver of a moving public transportation vehicle. She assaulted the the driver and put herself at risk along with other passengers and anyone who happend to be on the street nearby. Even though she backed up after assaulting him, he still has the right to defend himself. I would really like to see how RTA regulations suggest he should have neutralized the threat on a moving vehicle. Unless they issue pepper spray or a stun gun to drivers, what was he supposed to do? What if this ocurred on a plane? Would the same laws apply?
  10. The highlights were 377, 550, 26, and 800. About 400 miles in total.
  11. I couldn't get out yesterday, so I took advantage of the better than expected weather today. I made it down to some SEO favorites. Road conditions were pretty good. All the leaves on the ground were kinda playing tricks with my eyes when scanning for gravel. Got a little wet on the way home, but all things considered a good day.
  12. jbot cutting though the bs like a hot knife through troll butter Right, because Hawaii is a 3rd world country without mail, phones, email, internet, or text messages.
  13. Due to events out of my control, I will not be riding on Saturday.
  14. Since you seem to love hypotheticals... Let's say there was a military initiative to eliminate know-it-all-trolls from OR . And YOU were identified as a military target. Would said cousin, who apparently does not posess free will or the cognitive ability to make decisions, eliminate you?
  15. Nice try, but your arguement was US military firing at US citizens.
  16. You do not. Citing Kent State is misguided at best. You have found a very isolated and very regrettable incident and assumed that it is SOP for our military. Kent State was a black mark in military history and US history. I served in the USMC infantry in a Company of highly trained Marines. I cannot envision a scenario where those I served with would fire on US citizens orders or not. The 'mindless following of orders' is nothing but a stereotype that is only believed by those with ZERO first hand knowledge.
  17. Worth pointing out again. We have someone who hasn't served but thinks he is an expert on the behavior of members of our military Ahhh but he has a cousin
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