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Everything posted by curby

  1. Thank you for the new wallpaper and that things is fugin SEXY!!!!! i'll take 2
  2. my uncle drove back from texas in one of these... fucker was laid out. had a bar in the back and shit.
  3. i might even be willing to bring it down. i need a good long ride anyways.
  4. how cheap is cheap? we got one we might want to get rid of... wife bought it on a whim and has used it 3 times in bed lookin for a job. still has the plastic on the outside. lol
  5. where ever it is, i'll be there.
  6. i like a poker run idea. what about that buffalo rings place you'al had bike nights at?
  7. well his argument was that it was a park and there was kids all over. but we was all leaving to avoid the storm that was coming from over Lake Erie. There was no kids in the park due that fact. the judge remembered the storm because it pretty much flooded painesville. i remember driving on the highway doing 10mph cuz you couldn't see a thing. Anyway, the judge pretty much laughed at the cop for tryin. I was worried cuz it was the judge that made that guy stand on the side of the road dressed up and hold a sign just weeks before. lol thought i was screwed.
  8. Have you gotten a reckless operation ticket? YUP But.... When? 6 years ago Where? Painesville, some park we had a prelude meet. For what? doing a burnout in the Prelude What was the outcome? I fought it. got it dropped down to improper starting Impact on your L's and insurance? 2 pts on license and nothing on ins.
  9. lol, sorry price is on the CL ad. i forgot i was working with ohio riders here. $600
  10. i'd show the warrior, nothing special but still sexy.
  11. i got this thing from my bro-in-law. runs off 220 and i don't have that in the garage. and honestly, i don't need anything this big. i've had a few emails on it but i thought i'd pass it on. the specs on this is only from what i can find on it. it may be a 80 gallon, 7.5 hp... i have no idea. i've never used it. He used it to paint 2 cars and that was it. been stored in his mother garage for quite some time. she moved and he had no where to put it. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/tls/1738178214.html
  12. this sounds interesting... i was planning a good long ride this weekend.
  13. i'm diggin, wonder how the warrior would look?
  14. i am honestly surprised that the drivers that blocked off traffic didn't get cited but actually got praised by the Lt. sometimes people surprise me.
  15. i hear benefit ride or something to raise money so it's easier for him... Support your fellow bikers!
  16. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/pho/1727706991.html i know someone would want this for $5.
  17. lol... it's these damn after market mirrors, i hate em, they were on it before i bought it. they're garbage. i ordered better ones.
  18. there is a online challange in the game. everyone has the same game setup. To win it you had to play that game. Not sure of game setup. don't have the game.
  19. WHATEVA... this shit is DOPE!
  20. as long as it matches my Vino
  21. got a neighbor or somebody? no friends? If i was around you i'd help a brotha out.
  22. unless some other cruiser decide to join, i'll keep watching the thread.
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