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Everything posted by curby

  1. bring the gas tank to my house, got tracers for the AK...
  2. my wife's father is high up in the Canton Office. He's a douche so i doubt i'd wanna work there. lol
  3. when i got hired here 5 years ago, i had free health ins. which included eye, dental and perscription. now 5 years later, i have no eye or dental and i now pay $390 a month. talk about not using lube!
  4. HAHAHA, i almost spit coffee on my puter when i finally got that. lol
  5. the wife was taking them both to the groomer. the Rott gets excited when he goes. well, he got to excited and when she opened the door, the Yorkie was on her lap, the Rott, pushed him out and then jumped on him. She said it sounded disturbing and then the yorkie screamed and cried till they gave him some meds 6 hours later.
  6. i've been doing that for the past 3 weeks. granted mine is a 5lb Yorkie. lol our 150lb Rott jumped on top of him as he got out of the truck. bad day there buddy. my regular vet said he needed an orthopedic vet, they wanted $5000 to fix him or $3900 just to cut it off. i said fuck you, called the original vet and she said, oh hell no, so she fixed him for $500. he broke the top bone, bottom bone and the elbow joint. he will probably walk with a limp now. gives him character. lol
  7. hell yes you do, i've been watching your stats... fuck bra, put the controller down and check the outside! lol fiddycaliber
  8. i know i'll take around the block
  9. oh, i carry everyday for the past 6 years. i'm good. i don't think i would carry that. I wouldn't risk losing if i did have to use it. just on my "gotta have" list. thats all. and now i have to find another one at a price i like.
  10. shit, i wish i was getting it out of impound! lol i can't say it belongs to me. anyone who knows me on here knows why she picked it up.
  11. so the wife had to go pick this up this morning...
  12. damn! that sux... good luck, your in my prayers.
  13. well, i got shafted, guy offered it to his brother-in-law and traded it for a glock 17... now i'm pissed, but life goes on. guess i should've wanted to post it till i got it. lol fuck! shit! piss! back to the trusty 9mm. he did offer me a Sig P220 .45 for $450
  14. i ran into some of that shit up here. coming to a forked intersection, i wanted to go right. there was a car coming from the right and i went to go right... not going right, so i put my hand to tell them to stop, thankfully he stopped. i had no brakes, lucky it was a forked intersection and i was able to take the left and come to a stop. i bout shit myself. it was like ice. i guess thats where experience comes into play, right.
  15. of course and yes that was just a pic off the net. i don't skimp on personal defense rounds.
  16. got a deal on one of these... it was on my "gotta have" list and it just so happens my neighbor has one for sale at a very good price (for me) Springfield Armory Ultra Compact V10
  17. i have one and yes, they do make awesome media boxes. i was wondering about the first pic, that is an intel mini with the IR sensor, but you cleared it up with the other photos. if i wasn't in the market for a digital slr and a new firearm, i'd be on this.
  18. that, sir, was hilarious! +1 rep
  19. i see some Arrogant Bastard Ale on the top shelf. mmmm and i'll take the Guinness Extra Stout, i have a 6 calling my name right now at home.
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