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Everything posted by curby

  1. my honda had belts on the driver side and the tranny on the passanger side? so the driver side is the front?
  2. windows, thats the problem. works great on all my macs.
  3. curby

    Fuck bees

    when i was a kid, my brother and I got stung over 200 times from a hornets nest in our woods behind our house. never got stung after that until about 7 years ago. i was standing on our deck with my hand on the railing and all of a sudden... SHIT.. what was that, well a wasp nest was under the railing and little bastard stung me. needless to say, i passed out with 30 sec of getting stung. good thing my father-in-law pulled as i flipped over the railing. doctor said i must have developed a very bad allergic reaction being stung so many times as a kid. next time could kill me. AWESOME news. so now i have to carry an epi-pen with me where ever i go.
  4. 1 - imac g3 - daughters 2 - g3 - music server 1 - g4 - data server 2 - g4 mini - movies and work 1 - ipod photo 2 - 3rd gen shuffles 1 - 4th gen nano 2 - ipod touch - 8gb 1st gen and 16gb 2nd gen 1 - g5 - dual 1.8ghz
  5. mine too, and i'll be glad to show any thug or thief who thinks other wise.
  6. curby

    Halo 3 ODST

    modern warfare 2.... i can't fuckin wait! hopefully i can keep my k/d ratio up on this one also. WAW is up to 1.46. cod 4 k/d wasn't impressive. thats the one i learned to play on, so yeah, i got murdered alot! lol
  7. curby

    Halo 3 ODST

    i play Call of Duty. never liked Halo
  8. man this sounds good. but i doubt i'll make it... again.
  9. i sold my .380 because the ammo was so damn expensive, then it got real hard to find. i'll stick with a .38 spl stubbie or my sub compact 9mm. if need something smaller, i'll carry my mini .22 placement counts.
  10. i had one. CURBY was my nickname when i was 21 since i had a tendency to hit curbs after leaving bars.
  11. thats a good price... hmmmm damn it... no jack to spend.
  12. i friends husband is coming home. i may ride this one.
  13. Funny thing is, this guy is from Stark County... good ol Canton, Ohio... at least he has a helmet.
  14. come south a bit more to Stark County and you have Atwood, Rt 164 and lot of back country roads.
  15. the mystical Rune... everything you want in a cruiser...
  16. i regret selling my 954... i put some time into it since i bought it salvaged and rebuilt her. only had it for a year, then flipped her for profit. should've kept her.
  17. the only thing that would make that illegal would be to put a stock on it. front grip does not make it illegal.
  18. i never looked at it like that likwid... makes complete sense then i can wear flip flops.
  19. i've never rode my sportbikes without gear. i have with the warrior a few times. I can't wait to become a squid in a year! woot woot!
  20. ok, so i've been riding for close to 10 years. i started on my temps, rode for a year and flunked my test... rode another 2 years on temps, failed again... (sportbikes were not made for that test.) so i gave up and figured i'd on temps forever. lol i've been riding with temps since 05. well, i borrowed my brother-in-laws 200cc chinese enduro and passed it with flying colors today. very excited! woot woot. that is all.
  21. i've been on sportbikes for 10 years or so, thought i'd try a cruiser for once. i will go back to a sportbike though, love the warrior but need a sportbike also.
  22. where's my hat? :/ just kidddiiinnggggg
  23. curby

    1911 ?

    Dan Wessons and STI's are the pick of the crop, but alot of cheddar. Taurus are good for the price and so are Rock Islands, you can always upgrade them also. Get frisky and build your own from parts. i recommend Fusion or Dan Wesson frames. just remember, you get what you pay for. I am currently scrapping for a 1911 chamber in .38 super or maybe 9mm
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