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Everything posted by curby

  1. i don't smoke either so i have no worries lol... just don't take my beer... then we'll have major problems!
  2. just to warn you, i've never done this ride and i'm not sure if anyone else has. so it may be a slow ride.
  3. i'll do anything. the warrior is very flickable. had it at atwood not to long ago and it did great. had to slow down for a couple harleys but you know how that goes. i just don't have the power you guys do but i do my best to keep up. lol a v-star is really different than the warrior. i can tell you, the warrior is not a highway bike. beats the hell out of me everytime, i avoid highways.
  4. sure are... sunday at noon or when you get down or up here. i'll be around all morning if you come earlier.
  5. my dude has thousands of 9mm at the range. i'll see if he has limit... he's got it for $13.99 cci blazer 50rd. it's massilon though
  6. so is this ride on saturday or sunday? in the first post you said they had a killer sunday brunch but the 13th is on saturday? nevermind... it's july not june. and it's a monday. lol fail! lol
  7. busy sunday at noon?

  8. you joinin us for a ride on sunday at noon?

  9. yo, wanna join us for a ride on sunday at noon?

  10. curby


    makes no sense... just like this thread...
  11. sunday... at noon... where to meet? The strip in Belden at Starbucks? It's right off 77.
  12. we didn't realized he was out till after the cops left. we searched every where. i'm thinkin he got out the house or crawled in the heating ducts. we moved shortly after.
  13. that leads to a funny story... my buddy brought down a wheelie one day and his backseat flew off, bounced off the ground and for some reason, i just reached out and grabbed it and handed it to my wife who was riding with me. They were all like... WTF.. How the hell... i just laughed. that is all.
  14. i haven't done this ride yet, thoughts? Anyone done it? i've done the atwood track a handful of times when i had my sportbikes. this contains alot of the atwood track we did. Atwood might be quite busy this weekend. we can stop at the delroy ice cream joint... usual biker hangout.
  15. lookin like sunday afternoon. time and location to come.
  16. my few hours may be 4 or 5 or 6... depending on wifes mood, she knows i'm goin so. not sure what time yet... whats everone thinkin, early, late... afternoon? we can shoot wheneva.. got my ccw also.. ever leave home without it.
  17. had a 4ft iguana that escape when a fight broke out in the house i was staying at. never did find that large bastard! had a 3ft ball python that would always get of the cage even with 10lb weights on it. But he was easy to find, always in the base board heater. lol the wife made me get rid of him when we had our daughter. :\
  18. don't worry bout jackin my thread, i've been trying to talk the wife into a new 250.
  19. that would be a blast, a group of 250's... too bad i don't have one lol. I'm not looking for an all day adventure. a couple hours. down 800, around atwood, east canton loop to lisbon... whateva. Where we meeting? my buddy owns the shooting range on Tusc in Massillon... or we can go more north. i'll have GPS "just in case" lol
  20. hmmm... sounds interesting... i would do my best to keep up on the warrior, but my right turns are slow to to pipe scrapage! let me see what spawns with my buddies. how long we talking? Day ride? **EDIT** WOW... thats a trip and a half!
  21. a few buddies and I were thinkin of gettin a ride together this weekend. Anyone interested? just testing waters, let me know when anyone is available.
  22. curby

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    i was actually impressed with a vmax this weekend. some guy kept coming down my road all weekend and i always found myself staring and thinkin of the thing i would do with that. lol
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