my wife bought a phone on craigslist a week ago. i tell her have verizon on the phone when you buy it to check the ESN. ESN is good they tell her. turns out to be still activated and we can't use it unless we use this other guys minutes. really turns out to be stolen/lost. Some kid left it in h is buddies car, his buddy starts using it, his crackhead dad decides he needs to reup his coke habit and sells it on craigslist. my wife tracked the orginal owner of the phone and he said he's afraid to tell his mom it's lost/stolen. SOOOO, my wife calls verizon and tells them what is goin on and they tell her they can't do anything until the phone is deactivated. she then calls akron PD and makes a report. they say they can't do anything either since it's not technically stolen or report. WTF, so i'm stuck with a phone i can't use until it's deactivated. i thought about running the bill up with ringtones and apps till they shut it off, but it can come back on me since they know i have it. or just use it with jim bob number... i love life.