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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Edit: saw the other post. Sorry bud.
  2. The number goes to Ashland, KY, landline.
  3. It may be private property but the general public frequents that area. There is no expectation of privacy, nothing of sensitive nature. I'd wager there are security cameras there also. Why can the mall be trusted but the clientele can't? This goes for the US as well. I still stand my my statement of liberty vs safety. Usually it's flash photography that is forbidden. They are keeping you from reproducing their music, paintings, whatever. The guy took a pic of his kid in the eating area. Who cares...
  4. uh-huh. Let's go ride when you get it.
  5. at only $1000!! http://columbus.craigslist.org/zip/2642481787.html EDIT: So I texted the guy. He said it's not for sale but his buddies were playing a prank on him.
  6. My wife used to get a bit pissed at OR until she got her job from a connection on here and has gotten a chance to meet some of the members (yeah, crazy I know. )
  7. OMG. Really? It's a public place. Then don't go out into public. I don't know the circumstances, maybe he did look suspiciously like a pedophile and should have been questioned (although after a couple of minutes of watching them should show he was the father) but to have a law against photography in public is ridiculous. Does the government have cameras set up over there? Hypocrisy? Those that give up liberty for temporary safety are idiots. And on a side note, it was a cute picture.
  8. I went ahead and downloaded it and ordered my reader. Not sure how often I'll use it, but it'll be nice to have a backup to cash and paypal.
  9. My knives are set up for tip down. I know people that carry tip up. As they pull it out, it catches on the pocket and rotates the blade out.
  10. I actually had some clothing I was going to donate to them. I was going to ask them where to take the stuff but when I got to the front door, I saw their sign that said they didn't want my donation. After emailing the store I was referred to their corporate email. I never got a reply back from them. Oh well.
  11. You fail Tbut. There is only one thing left for you to do to save face...
  12. Don't donate to Goodwill. They won't remove their "no gun" signs. I have nothing to add as far as tax benefits go....
  13. Nice horn, much louder. Of course you do.
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