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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. My dad was looking at one at Buckeye a couple weeks ago. He likes that it's a 9 so he can keep the same ammo for his 92FS and CX4.
  2. They should really look at the bright side of things; they aren't being forced to wear pink underwear.
  3. So are you saying the "buyer" got a good deal or the "seller" got ripped off?
  4. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7940O420111005?ca=moto Here's an idea...don't do something to go to prison. And isn't this saving the state money?
  5. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/05/us-pennsylvania-baby-sold-idUSTRE79456B20111005?feedType=RSS&feedName=domesticNews&ca=moto
  6. I've never liked Apple much but Jobs had some major accomplishments.rip
  7. lol. Have you seen the video of her and Tom Selleck? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtkgoGY4Cm4
  8. They have a quiz on their FB page. I got a 90%, missed the last question. https://www.facebook.com/HISTORYTopShot?sk=app_176556012380982
  9. That's pretty common with drug users. Ride a stimulant up then ride it down with a depressant. Repeat. Not sure how caffeine and ethanol react with each other though. I would think they may "cancel" each other out but I have not seen any research to support that.
  10. My fav is Gary, glad he didn't go home. I was surprised there were that many single shot hits with the wind the way it was. Can't wait to see what happens next week, the previews were riveting.
  11. Actually, this one is incorrect. From wiki: I do not know the validity of the others but I agree nonetheless.
  12. Why do people say 'grow some balls?' "Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina! Those things can take a pounding!"
  13. That was an awesome first shot for the challenge. Hoping Jake goes home this week.
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