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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. A real shooter wouldn't need a range finder. Eyeball it.
  2. Does "green" mean you can dispose of it by dumping it in a hole in the ground?
  3. Not saying they can't or won't survive together, just wouldn't be ideal for them. Ideal being the middle of the temp range. My biggest concern would be a 10 gallon tank with angel(s) and goldfish (I don't know how many you have). That'd be overstocked.
  4. Actually the rule of one gallon per inch isn't really a good idea. There are too many fish, like goldfish, that require more water than the rule would provide.
  5. Goldfish are cold water fish. Angelfish are tropical. You could keep them in the same tank but the temps probably won't be ideal for both species. Also, goldfish are very dirty fish, as is their food. They really require 5-10 gallons per goldie.
  6. Ugh, I wish I had time and space to set up the other tank. I'd get some more from you. From those that don't know, I got three Angels from Mj about 2 months ago. They are getting big and doing great! Here is a recent pic of one of them:
  7. Probably 10-20% of replies to me are scammers. I will add that I used to get emails that would be laid out like this: I used to think these were scam/spam until I downloaded the CL app on my phone. If you reply to a posting using the program's reply function, it will draft an message in your email like that. I also only post in the Columbus section. I don't feel like dealing with people any further away and usually have no problems selling in the Columbus section alone.
  8. For those of you that have dogs and believe they not passable, it's too easy to beat a dog. I have befriended some really mean and protective dogs out there and their owners are dumbfounded as to how I did it. No, you don't need a juicy steak, it's all in how you react and treat them. Yes a dog is a good addition to a security system or if you cannot afford a system, but a dog is not fail proof.
  9. You mean the "no gun" signs? I think they work really well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7pGt_O1uM8
  10. hold one.....one minute....let me get my scared face on..................................I know it's here somewhere................. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... Oh, here it is...
  11. Jussayin'. BTW, I have posted this same ORC long before now so shut yo' mouth.
  12. Agreed, Jake is an ass. I am liking Gary. He seems to be a good leader and know what he's talking about. Need a couple more episodes to pick a fav though. Oh, Gary is from Cleveland, Ohio too.
  13. Here is the law for those interested.
  14. Just an fyi, two plugs or headphones in while on a bike is illegal in Ohio. If you want the revised code I can get it for you when I am on the comp.
  15. I wanna see pix just to see pix...
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