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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I tried three separate words and it put them out of order.
  2. Yeah I tried that. Set everything to default and to "keep source formatting". Yeah, I have been copying in order from the top down.
  3. Hopefully someone can help me with an issue I am having. I need to copy information from one Word document to another document on my computer. I open up the original and ctrl+c what I need. We'll say: A B C D E F Then when I go to my new document and ctrl+v, it always pastes something like this: F B C D E A It's really messing me up. Sometimes it will split a paragraph and I will get half of it at the top of my paste and the other half at the bottom. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks Edit: I should add that I am copying different sections separately, not all at once. So I'd highlight "A" then "B" and so fourth. Even though I copy them in order from the start of the document to the end, it still gets mixed up. Edit Edit: Video of problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue0FGpAgtbU
  4. At least it didn't burn up like the Goodyear blimp did back in June. For those that missed that one: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=78411&highlight=goodyear+blimp
  5. I couldnt watch it all either. A little bit into the vid he uses solid pieces for the notes instead if singles...if that makes any sense to you...lol
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTEf0tzvuNc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqIHwJZFWSY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  8. I write my dates 13 Aug 11. That's the way the army taught me. The other way the army does it is 20110813.
  9. If he pays rent, has a key, has belonging there like a tooth brush and such, gets mail,he does reside there. INAL but this is is how it was explained in my law classes.
  10. Good luck brother. Keep your head on a swivel and come home safe.
  11. Missed the first half hour. Thankfully its on again after.
  12. Zombieball use the basketball to get into rage. Bullseye throw a bullseye on the dartboard with a dart.
  13. Throw the nuke then hit it with lightning.
  14. They just featured this on Top Gear, US version. I think viewers are overloading the site, http://www.rallyfighter.com. It's hit and miss if I can get on.
  15. What we meant to say was you don't need any help. You should have no problem doing it by yourself. Let us know how it goes and have a video camera set up too.
  16. yes, very dangerous and difficult. they can kill you if done wrong.
  17. have your mom evict him for violating terms.
  18. Damn you. I haven't stopped playing since. I have dishes and homework to do.
  19. I'm just kidding. Pretty fun game.
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