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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Oh man. Bummer. Rip.
  2. chevysoldier


    I am not condoning illegal activity at all, but this is where someone says "I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6."
  3. chevysoldier


    In order to use a CCW (concealed carry weapon) you must first get your CHL (concealed handgun license). Get it, carry when and where you can legally. You could lock it in the bike, but again the bike could get stolen then you are SOL. You're options are very limited from what I can tell.
  4. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/30/us-car-transparent-idUSTRE76T1V320110730
  5. Woohoo. Another m&p convert.
  6. Happy birthday Carie. Hope Ben does something nice for you
  7. Omg i am dying over here. Bwahahahaha
  8. I think you can carry a loaded mag. It's cali's way of trying to get around the 2nd.
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