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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. The average person wouldn't know how the dog was alerting. But many K9 searches are caught on dash cam now so the officer can point out what the dog did to alert him. Yes I'm sure some tell the dog to sit then say the dog alerted and search. But most trainers now allow the dog to do whatever comes natural when he smells whatever is is trained to find. Like I stud some dogs want to sit, bark, scratch, etc and the good trainers don't try to change the behavior but learn to roll with the personality of the dog. It's normal for the officer to point to where the dog should search. This officer pointed at the open window, obviously so the dog could smell inside the car. That didn't look like the dog alerted to me but we also can't see what the dog did after her got down, that could have been when he alerted. And without watching the video again, wasn't there a couple spots that were cut from the video?Oh, and just because they didn't find any drugs doesn't mean residual smell from lighting up in the car isn't still there.
  2. I hate that phrase, the cops work for us we pay their paychecks. I didn't realize cops didn't pay taxes.
  3. Oh yeah, he had the top zipped all the way up too. And I agree that I'd assume a collector would know a little more about the details of a uniform. It was a very sad thing to see.
  4. Holy crap. I like how he didn't care. He chased her like "bitch I ain't done yet, Get back here!"
  5. So my wife, daughter and I went to Steak N Shake today. As we are waiting to order she comments about a kid sitting behind me wearing an Army uniform. I can't really see him too well she tries to explain what looks wrong with him. Maybe he hasn't been to basic training? On leave from basic? She knows something isn't right about it, he's too ate up and even she can tell that. Finally he walks past me. Probably in high school, tall scrawny kid. Wearing an ACU uniform with no name tape or rank but had the Velcro for them, US Army tape sewn on, incorrect American flag patch on the wrong shoulder sewn on not velcro, infrared square covers hanging down (not covering the squares or hidden underneath the pocket), boot laces hanging out, wearing a pistol belt with two canteens on it. I was in shock. My brain couldn't comprehend what my eyes were seeing. He went to the bathroom and I followed him in because I wanted to confront him without making a scene. Had this been an adult I wouldn't have cared about making a scene. Anyways, I asked him what was up with the army uniform. He says, kind of smuggly I might add, that he's a military collector. I told him that's cool but I request him to no longer wear his uniforms in public, that he was wearing it completely wrong and it looked extremely bad. I explained that someone who may not realize he wasn't actually in the army could see him and how bad it was. That it brings discredit to the army to portray soldiers in that sort of way. He got scared quick and couldn't say anything, just kind of dropped his jaw and gasped. I reiterated that collecting was a cool hobby, but leave it at home. I them walked out without him being able to say another word . I kind of wondered if he was the sort to wear the uniform to try and get free stuff from places but I don't know for sure. I do think I scared him enough that hopefully he doesn't do it again. He sat with an older guy, dad maybe, and my wife says he told him what happened. He kept looking over at me but would only see my wife watching him before he darted his eyes away. They didn't stay much longer before they got a box for a little food and left. Just my little story for the day.
  6. This whole ordeal is pathetic and disgusting.
  7. Meh, seems like there is less that interests me on here nowadays, and the waves of drama annoy me. With working third shift, having Tuesday, Wednesday off, I can't get out on rides and when I can post online , everyone is asleep. Life's been hectic but been spending a lot of time with my wife and daughter so it's all good. I still browse almost daily just don't have much to post.
  8. And it will be on display at Sportsman's Club until Sunday. Free to see. Please consider coming out and showing your respect to the Vietnam Soldiers that have given their lives. http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20130708/NEWS01/307080012/Traveling-Vietnam-Wall-arrives-Wednesday
  9. Tell him to keep an eye on his pay and if he gets more than what he's supposed to, do not spend it. They will take it back.
  10. Get with magley and build a flying car
  11. I add 1/2 gallon of soap and water every other tank to clean everything out. Ot runs rough when I do but that's how iknow it's working.
  12. This is a hell of a read...yes it is quite long. http://news.yahoo.com/special-report-pentagons-payroll-quagmire-traps-americas-soldiers-215045729.html
  13. under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination thereof. Tests and checks such as horizontal gaze nystagmus, vertical nystagmus, pupil dilation and equal tracking, and the standard field sobriety tests as well as suspect behavior, replies, smell or paraphernalia can all be determined if you are currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If they get urine or blood to test for drugs, the amount in your system will show if you were currently under the influence when tested. You can also be charged with being under the influence of the officer has good probably cause to show that you shouldn't have been driving even if the limits are under the standard .08%. an ovi check point is legal(ish) because the powers that be say it is announced and they have the option to go around. But if you go through one and aren't wearing your seatbelt, expect to be cited for it even though it is not a primary offense for ages 18+. Back to the video...yes the guy was legal to only roll his window down that far. Was his behavior a bit suspicious? Sure because that isn't normal. he needs to provide identification either by license, SSN or name and DOB to be identified. He consented to the stop by driving into the check point and therefore must provide ID. He also must exit the vehicle when told, including any passengers as held up by case law. The video doesn't show how the dog "hit" on the car. Just jumping doesn't mean that is his alert. Some dogs sit, lay, bark, scratch, etc. This would be backed up by training records and any other K9 searches. both parties are at fault. Driver for being difficult, officer for being a jerk. The officer could have gone about his interview in a less aggressive and intimidating way and the driver probably would have relaxed on proving a point.
  14. So many options. Seems like I keep ending up back in the southern corner of the state. I saw a cheap rental on oak island, a little bit cheaper than top sail. How is oak island,? I'd like to hit up ft Fisher and the uss north Carolina so staying in that area would be good.
  15. I figured he meant in the bedroom too... stop over analyzing everything, you take the "fun" out of "funny picture thread"
  16. Laid back and little traffic, right up or alley. Of course shopping and dining will be needed so this sounds good to me. Thanks!
  17. that would be cool. We are taking the truck so that'd be nice to drive out onto it. Ft Fisher def looks like something I'd enjoy. I want to hit up some battlefields and things like that. Civil war history really interests me. I'm always up for aquariums too Shi that could be an option, especially if this is all within close proximity. Thanks man
  18. Biltmore estate might be interesting, but that is a steep price. I'll check that ot. Neither of us is into NASCAR so that's out. Always wanted to check out a winery so I'll look into that also. Thanks for the ideas.
  19. My wife and I are planning a trip to North Carolina in the middle of August, vacation/honeymoon. Who has been down there and what do you recommend? Which beach(es) should we visit? Give me some ideas but keep in mind we are on a budget so nothing to extravagant. thanks! Oh, we aren't the sort to hit the bars all night and get plastered. We prefer it slower. Enjoy history, sight seeing and taking it easy.
  20. I want ever really close to him. Been probably 10 or more years since I saw him so it wasn't really that difficult. But something like this would make me disown my own father. I have a 6 year old little girl and its very back and white for me. You don't do it. If you do, you deserve the worst penalty.
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