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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. What are you guys expecting to happen?

    Anything. Flood, tornado, earthquake, riots, invasion, takeover by the government, loss of income and you are forced from your home... You just never know when something might happen. It is better to have and not need than need and not have. Look at hurricanes down south. The people KNOW a hurricane is coming but at the last second everyone rushes to the store to get supplies because they weren't prepared.

  2. I've typed like 4 responses so far and deleted them all.

    I keep thinking, "man I sound like an asshole..." Self preservation makes my mind go places I'm not proud of.

    Beyond being prepared to fend for myself and my wife, finding like-minded individuals would be a high priority. I think 6-8 people is about the biggest group you'd want, and 4 is about the smallest.

    I know what you mean. I have a small group of people that I will be getting with in a relative safe location. I won't give more details than that. ;)

  3. I say again... get one or two of the books that describe all the vegetation that is edible in our area of Ohio. Learn it.

    I'm pretty sure weapons would only be needed for a short time. Darwin takes care of that.

    Quoted for truth but will add weapons are for long term as well. Hunting would be a top priority.

  4. I was in a conversation where the question was asked, "What would you do if you knew the world was going to end in a week?" My only question was, "Who else knows?"

    If I'm the only one who knows, I'm traveling. If everybody knows, I'm loading all my weapons and battening down the hatches...then raid the store for steaks and charcoal.

    See, that's the thing. If everyone knows the world is going to end or zombies attack or the Koreans invade, all hell will break loose. I don't want to be out raiding the stores with a million other people. I want to already be setup in my safe area.

  5. Now im not saying by no means that im "amazing", hell that guy that was on the same CSBA ride as you who rode that older blue katana 600 with his son on the back was one heck of a rider. i couldnt out ride him on those roads even if i tried my hardest.

    Bingo. Rider not the bike. This is what everyone has been saying.

  6. So did you ever put one together? What did you end up putting in?

    yeah I have a backback that is set up. That tan one, you've seen it. ka-bar, mess kit, silverware, assorted wire, ropes and string, small binos, set of camo clothing, magnesium strip, camping soap, camo netting, TP, small two man tent, folding shovel, hydration system...there's other stuff but I can't think of it.

    Then I have a footlocker with bigger stuff for longer time periods. Towels, 4 man tent, ballistic helmet, more rope, string and wire, more camo clothing, sleeping bag, cold weather gear. Again more stuff I can't think of.

    The biggest thing I need to get is MREs along with few other small things. I can get you a better list later.

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