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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. My dad has two of these. A 60 and a 61 Willys Jeep. Not very common and I don't think they carry a high price tag. One of them was his first vehicle and the other he got for free for parts. Probably not what you are looking for but thought I'd throw it out to you.

    BTW, this is not his, just a pic off the net.


  2. IF it was a time traveler, wouldn't it be a smaller cell phone? I mean we have small cell phones now and can't time travel(that the general public knows of). I don't think they have been that big since the 80s?

    And on a side note, I love Charlie Chaplin movies. My grandparents used to take me to the Ohio Theater when I was young and we'd watch one of his movies. Loved walking up to see the gigantic organ under the stage. Lots of good memories for me.

  3. Sweet pictures. A ghost town/historical place ride would be awesome. I love history. If the ride was a Saturday and Sunday, I think finding a spot to camp Saturday night would be pretty sweet. Although I'm not sure how many people have the kind of gear or capability for something like that. We'll see what the thread brings.

  4. Well that was quite an interesting read. First off, when the first reason for wanting to get a better bike is to be able to do 140mph, that really makes you look bad. Then when you get called out on this, you back pedal with, well I want it for reason A, B, and C. :nono: I guarantee your Kat is not being ridden to potential. Take the advice from whoever said for you to run 5 laps then someone else run 5 laps and see how much better they will do. Let someone like Uncle Punk ride it. I have never had the honor to meet the guy, but I always here of how good he is.

    A Ninja 250 can be more than capable on some serious curves. I'd say 9 times out of 10 it is the rider that limits what the bike can do not the other way around. I ride a 96 FZR600. In the mid 90's this was the bike to have. Now it is dwarfed by fuel injection, better suspension and power to weight ratios. BUT I'm still new to riding. I know it isn't the bike that limits what I can do, it is me. There are a a few people that have really taken me in and have helped me be a better rider. Not because I added some stuff to increase HP but gave me tips on how to ride.

    Take the Kat to a track day. That's the best place to learn what YOU are capable of, not so much the bike. If you don't head the advice of some of these veteran riders, you run a good chance of getting hurt. They don't do it because it makes them feel better, but they respect the machine. That and when someone acts a fool on a ride, it makes everyone look bad. There have been times when someone on a bigger, faster bike passes me. Then in the corner they slow me down. Or they end up doing some stupid stuff and I end up sitting back and waiting for them to go off the road.

    Oh, and I don't think anyone called you a jackass, I believe it was "you ride LIKE a jackass."

    Anyways that's just my two cents. Take it or leave it, really doesn't matter to me.

  5. http://beckerexhibits.wustl.edu/did/20thcent/index.htm

    Nuff said.. No one proposed that the woman may be a bit off her rocker as well talking to herself.

    Also the comments said it best

    First caution: it's a hearing aid device.

    Second caution: film maker (it's what they do, folks)

    He owns a production company. The first minute is self promotion about award winning films and company name. Like sending a resume to George Lucas. Well it worked. It is on Youtube and the CBC news. and probably a host of other shows. Someone will figure out that it's a sham. But not before he gets his 15 minutes of fame, which may lead to something bigger for him. Good marketing job sir!

    Hey, I said she might have been talking to herself. ;)

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