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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Well Sunday is my wife's birthday and I told her we'd go for a ride. She and I have done a poker run before but nothing much as far as curves. I'd like to go back down to Zaleski State Forest/Lake Hope area. There is a lot of good memories down there for me. When I was in high school I would hike all weekend with my dog so it'll be nice to get back down there and spend some time. It isn't a very long ride since this is new for the both of us. Only 161 miles which is exactly where I hit reserve on the bike.

    Anyone have recommendations on good, cheaper food down there? Or any sites we may want to stop at?



  2. im not saying i dont speed but NEVER in a group. All the OR rides i have been on have been pretty laid back. So maybe i need to jont out that-a-way..

    Funny because I am just the opposite. If I were to hit triple digits by myself, I have a better chance of getting pulled over. With a group, I figure one car can't pull everyone over.

    I am just speaking in theory of course. I've never done over 45.

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