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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Glad to hear there were no issues with the the new addition. Most of the sporting good store like Dick's has 100 round packs of federal target loads for about $20-$22. Good for all around fun.

    We got the same ammo, probably 250 rounds (guessing) for 50 bucks.

  2. I'm just saying I'd give her a little slack for shifting. Some people just have difficulties in different areas. For many people shifting off hand is very odd and some people just cannot really figure it out. Learning to drive a stick may have been hard for her to do in the first place, now her brain is fighting her on what she finally was able to learn how to do. Now if she doesn't catch on soon, then she shouldn't be there.

    Throw one of those truck drivers into a truck over here and see what happens. Bet that would be some funny shit too. lol

  3. Ok, I missed all this drama last night so now Imma put my .022 cents in. But before I start so nobody else gets butt-hurt, Chevy, Vulcan, Porter, y'all already know I like you so don't take it wrong but I'm with Serpent on this one and chose your comment to quote Chevy because it seems this needs cleared up for you and Porter and others that have never been there.

    Harley riders and cruiser riders in general do screw up the Gap and are the majority of the accidents that I've seen there. Every time I've went the cruiser group ALWAYS act like they own the place and will not move over they force you into making a dangerous pass and when you do start the pass they become Ricky Racer and try to stop the pass and thats bullshit. Cars, trucks, sportbike ect when they see a faster rider coming they almost always move over or slow up and wave you on. That is where Serpents issue is as well as mine. So maybe some of you should visit the Gap before taking sides on this issue. Those asshats go there to ride it and stop at the store to buy their "Dragon Slayer" sticker so they can go increase their penis size by bragging to others that they where total bad asses and slayed that dragon, by going thru at 20mph with a death grip on the ape hangers while the 30 bikes they are holding up are trying to keep from falling asleep following them thru because the asshat on the Harley is to scared and tense to move over and release one hand from the bars to wave us on. /rant

    Carry on.

    Sorry, I should have put this out there before but I don't really care one way or another. I've never been there, like you said so it makes no difference to me. I was just throwing some wood on the fire. :D

    • Upvote 1
  4. No CHL = unloaded and locked away. (this includes magazines/speedloaders)

    CHL = no need to have anything unloaded' date=' but weapon must be holstered, on your person or inside a compartment that latches closed or in a zipped bag, purse, backpack, etc.

    The rules for the car are the same for the bike.[/quote']

    For clarification: without a CHL a magazine that is separated from the gun, if that mag is loaded it is a loaded firearm.

    Minor correction. Must be in a compartment/container that latches/zips if that is in plain sight (ie backpack on front seat)

    It must be in a locked container if that container is not in plain sight (ie in a lockbox underneath your seat)

    I never understood that. Why does it need to be locked if it is out of sight but can be unlocked when it is visible?

  5. i just watched her spend 5 whole minutes swearing second gear doesnt exist, before finally shifting into it

    You ever shifted with your left hand? Especially after so used to driving a stick that has always been on your right side? It isn't exactly easy to do right off the bat. lol

  6. I'll send you some videos this year. Last year we were pushing snow with the front bumper of the pete

    Send me the video of you driving up on those deadliest roads too. ;)

    this girl on here cant fuckin drive...holy shit

    she didn't do too bad on ice road truckers. And she did better than the third guy, the one without the blue mohawk.

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