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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. There is a man that just got done eating dinner and he was on his way to a party.

    Half way there he said, "man i really gotta take a dump." he got off the freeway, found an abandoned gas station went in there and took a dump.

    While he was taking this dump he read a sign that said "There is no tolet paper... You have wipe your ass with your first two fingers, then stick them out the hole and they will be licked clean for you."

    Well, he had no choice so he wiped his ass with his fingers and stuck them out the hole.

    All of a sudden a guy with two bricks smacked his fingers.

    The man screamed with pain and licked his own fingers.

  2. because he probably still likes having his soul


    Souls pish posh, I love redheaded midgets.

    Googling "redhead midget with sammich" turns up 1800 results. No of them is a midget who is readheaded and has a sammich.

    Chebby. I have my own.


    Yes. It's a Glock. :D

    :lol: "always prepared" Isn't that the Marine motto? :D

  3. i hate that hot goofy bitch and will not be voting for her in a primary. (i couldn't anyway because i'm registered independent.). If she gets the nomination of her party i will have to vote for her though. Not because i think she is a leader but because i think she will do her parties bidding and that party line fits my views more closely than the opposition. There hasn't been a leader elected since reagan, plenty party hacks but no leaders.


    i score an 87 on this quiz so i think the tea party is a bunch of lefties. The wording on some of these questions is terrible but scoring all 0's or all 10's on all questions give you a middle of the road score so it does have some ring of truth to it. I wish they would have put illegal immigration in the question as an example.


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