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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Do you agree that the left had gone more left at the same time?

    I think with the tea party going more right that leaves the so called rhino republicans behind, and the same goes for the left leaving the blue dogs to the center also.

    It's RINO not rhino. Republican In Name Only. I have nothing to add to this thread other than that. Don't feel like reading it all since I haven't been paying attention.

  2. Race you to the top.

    You're on. Ready...set...go!

    Well I'd be fine until it's time to go outside and free climb. That part had my stomach turning. although if I could base jump after my work was done, that might make it worth the climb up.

  3. Naahh Shawn.... I think his wife's usually the one laughing in bed & he's the one wondering ;)

    Sadly this is true. :(

    I like the stabby one. What forms of payment do you accept? My girl's blow jobs are $50, so you can give me $25 when I come to pick up the shovel. Or just let me keep it an extra day

    Well my wife does get on here so send me a PM and we can work something out.


  4. So what was the original point of her getting the restraining order? She called them for protection and they did nothing. Her kids died and the police get off on a technicality because their laws are/were jacked up? Why have a restraining order in the first place?

  5. On June 27, in the case of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, the Supreme Court found that Jessica Gonzales did not have a constitutional right to police protection even in the presence of a restraining order.

    By a vote of 7-to-2, the Supreme Court ruled that Gonzales has no right to sue her local police department for failing to protect her and her children from her estranged husband.

    The post-mortem discussion on Gonzales has been fiery but it has missed an obvious point. If the government won't protect you, then you have to take responsibility for your own self-defense and that of your family. The court's ruling is a sad decision, but one that every victim and/or potential victim of violence must note: calling the police is not enough. You must also be ready to defend yourself.

    In 1999, Gonzales obtained a restraining order against her estranged husband Simon, which limited his access to their children. On June 22, 1999, Simon abducted their three daughters. Though the Castle Rock police department disputes some of the details of what happened next, the two sides are in basic agreement: After her daughters' abduction, Gonzales repeatedly phoned the police for assistance. Officers visited the home. Believing Simon to be non-violent and, arguably, in compliance with the limited access granted by the restraining order, the police did nothing.

    The next morning, Simon committed "suicide by cop." He shot a gun repeatedly through a police station window and was killed by returned fire. The murdered bodies of Leslie, 7, Katheryn, 9 and Rebecca, 10 were found in Simon's pickup truck.


    AND just throwing this out there, it is 100% impossible to be 100% protected by the police. Even inmates in prison get beat up or killed.

  6. I've read it. There was a restraining order in place. She called the police for protection and the police, at their discretion, did nothing.


    No. In a 7-2 decision, the Court ruled that Gonzales had no constitutionally-protected property interest in the enforcement of the restraining order, and therefore could not claim that the police had violated her right to due process.

  7. Well that was a fun and interesting read. Sure people here would love to ban "all" gun but we aren't England or Australia. Folks here won't just give up their right to self defense. Hell read up on the supreme court case of Gonzalez v. Castle Rock. The police have no duty to protect you. It's is your job to protect yourself.

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  8. At the gym yesterday I glanced at the TV to see the topic of gun control being discussed on CNN. They had an e-mail from Georgia that said

    "I'd just like to let you know that down here in Georgia, the topic of gun control means how well you can hit your target"

    I like it.

    I wish more states had this mentality.

  9. I read that earlier today.

    Anyone else catch this?

    Brando rode a Triumph Thunderbird (his own, actually) in The Wild One.

    I've actually read that the movie increased Triumph sales.

    I had no idea, never even heard of the movie. but that's some funny shit. should call them on it.

  10. any style, any size. 10 bucks an hour or 25 for the day. If you don't see it here, let me know and I'll find it for you. 25% of the profits go to the buy kawi kid a bike fund.






    And for those Or members who happen to be vertically challenged:


    $50 fee or a neg rep for not returning them. Your choice.]


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