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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Hit up dealers and stuff. A lot of times when they take them down, they go in a corner somewhere. I have a dozen or so like K&N, Monroe, etc. Got them from shop's I have worked at when they were gonna pitch em.

    Do do mean like these right?:


  2. After reviewing the posts in this thread, and a lot of other posts by "that dude" (gotta love that find-all-posts-by...... function), I've come to the conclusion (as a critically thinking, non-troglodyte) that of all the fucktard idiots in all the fucktard threads, of all the fucktard forums, you take the cake my friend. Your head is is irreversibly shoved up your ass. I can now only hope that your influence is limited, and you don't find too many cohorts (looks like you've only come across a few in here, wonder why?), and that you reproduce as little as possible. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE BARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY LAW? WHAT ABOUT A LITTLE COMMON DECENCY AND RESPECT FOR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS!? You are truly classless.

    Whatcha got for me? Let's hear it (proper English please, and words more than one syllable are a plus).


    I repped you for that one! lol

    The force is strong with this newb lol


    I love the Blackhawk Serpas. Its really a helluva nice rig.

    I have 2.

    I love mine as well. For IWB I use a $17 leather holster, DeSantis brand.


    I also have a Fobus for OWB but after using my Serpa, I don't like it nearly as much anymore.

  3. I don't see that as a big deal too bad the officers are being charged. I have seen abuse and will call it when I see it but this doesn't seem like it rises to that description. He took a few whacks for being stupid and is able to walk away from it. I didn't look into the story deeper but wouldn't expect his injuries to be long lasting.

    The worst ass beating I ever took in my life was at the hands of the Cleveland Police Department at the old stadium, for far less than what this guy did and I was beat by more officers for a longer period of time. I was acting like a drunken idiot and needed to be put in my place. No one got into any trouble over it, they held me until I sobered up then sent me on my way bruised up, much more polite and I didn't consider trying to sue anyone over it.

    When was this? The bolded part is a sign of how the times have changed.

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