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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I'm not saying it will or won't. Was just throwing my views out there if it does pass.
  2. Whoa. I didn't read all of it but... Pro-this might actually get this country into shape. People would be taught loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. Con-The Army as of a month or two ago when I looked into reenlisting are being very selective in who they enlist. Must have a HS diploma, not GED, clean record etc. They don't want and/or need more troops right now. More paychecks, taxes are their paychecks. And I don't want some draftee that doesn't give a damn about the military or country to have by back. As it stands now as a all volunteer military, most are willing to die for their fellow troops. I was and still am. I could add more to this but for now, my 2 cents.
  3. "she beats me cuz she loves me" Jerry!Jerry!Jerry!Jerry!
  4. Run 15w-40 diesel oil in it. the high detergents will clean it up. then use synthetic in the recommended weight.
  5. lol, you didn't know? I know it's all in good fun and I don't care. and.... It isn't the beatings you gotta watch at for, ask 1000rrguy.
  6. Oh and my wife isn't good enough for you now? Geesh.
  7. Not to be biased, but they were sailors, not soldiers or marines. They may not have realized the gravity of their situation or location. They also may have been after contraband such as alcohol.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/07/29/karzai-says-release-secret-documents-wikileaks-endangers-afghans-helping/
  9. Yeah, I heard it on the radio today. Figured there might be some people here who cared.
  10. why'd you figure I was all over it? I think Arizona prepared themselves for all the harassment they knew they'd get from the fed gov't. No matter what happens, I bet Arizona will come out on top.
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38436995/ns/us_news-immigration_a_nation_divided/
  12. Does this have anything to do with you telling CbrGirl she's almost 30?
  13. I'll solve it..."Go fuck yourself" I'll expect to see my check of $3,000 in the mail. Use my return address from what I just sent you.
  14. she logged off but we both lol'ed at that.
  15. Yeah I'm sure you're sooooo annoyed. and I can leave when ever I want to, I just come back to make my point.
  16. I'm here to make fun of Kawi! Glad I could help. And for the gang bang
  17. omg i think i"m gonna piss myself!!
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