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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Its just the gov't keeping the little guy down!!
  2. Don't try to back pedal on your comment now. Excuses, excuses...
  3. Why don't you loop 270 and pick everyone up as you go around.
  4. I found this one too, had been posted like 3 or 4 times. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=20932&highlight=biker+friends
  5. I just found this online so instead of reposting it, I'll bump it.
  6. Cross threading is better than loctite. pics?
  7. I really did laugh out loud on that one Sam.
  8. Then there should be an exception to the rule. Butter knives allowed. If parents and teachers would teach the kids common sense, respect and personal responsibility, half this shit would be avoided. But little johnny's mom whined when johnny took a swiss army knife in and got in trouble but little sarah didn't get in trouble for a butter knife.
  9. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/signs-stimulus/story?id=11163180 That's $684.21 and $2242.86 respectively.
  10. What would you have done if a random car cut you off and pulled a gun on you? For 5 seconds that he's out of the car the only thing he tells you is get off the bike?
  11. Did you two guys already get them?
  12. At 3:21 he looks at the marked car, and then holsters it. Maybe he just felt the threat was gone at that point. What threat I have no idea.
  13. He enforced the law consistently. Good for him that he had the balls to do it.
  14. lol, yeah I've gotten used to his typing. The unmarked car cut him off. The bike was backing up before the cop got out of the car. I'd be backing up too if some car cut me off and started getting out. For all he knew some guys were gonna jump him for his bike. The cop had no reason to pull his gun. He should have identified himself right off the bat. Hand on the gun ready to draw would have been better. three seconds is a lot of time. Enough time for me to draw my gun. This is why I am glad in Ohio non marked cars cannot pull people over and we have a one party wiretap law. You also have no idea when the marked car pulled up or if the rider saw it. I am guessing as soon as the first guy looks that direction and hides his gun is when the second car pulled up.
  15. where jporter and I work, we use carquest.
  16. I thought about that too. I wondered if I would have pulled my gun on him.
  17. I thought he did that in prison?
  18. You do know how much was spent for those signs right?
  19. And as soon as the unmarked guy saw the marked guy, he hid his gun behind his body before holstering it. He knew he was wrong. Fuck that piece of shit.
  20. :lol: Yes Casper, please do change his s/n to Captain Awesome!!!
  21. My dad worked with him, back when Jack was the Zoo director. I've met him a few times and he's a really cool guy. I'm really glad to hear he made it out. I'll ask my dad if he knows any other details that weren't published.
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