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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Why doesn't everyone whip them out and compare sizes while ya'll are at it.
  2. Were you searching for instructional videos for yourself Shawn? It was pretty funny. Pretty much.
  3. Yeah this poll isn't well rounded enough to give a fair balance between IT and everything else.
  4. Outstanding. And it seems as law enforcement backs this decision too!
  5. I second Aerik's comment about the line. Most people know that line and have the respect not to cross it. All this bitching is going could lead to Ben cracking down on the moderation. I'm sure everyone here wants that. Leave well enough alone. He is gone and so many are shitting on his memory. I didn't know the kid but it seems like he was really loved. I don't care if the biggest asshole on this site passes away, I'm gonna have the decency to say something nice, or if I can't I'll shut the hell up. If someone has a problem with moderation on this site, PM Casper or a mod directly or start a thread but keep it civil. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
  6. I had to google it. but found it with an "o" not an "a". Same thing?
  7. This is why I haven't been vocal in this discussion, I think it's kind of dicked up.
  8. Damnit MJ!!! Alright, all new threads must go through that OsuMj guy for verification it isn't a repost.
  9. Automotive tech currently, going to go into law enforcement.
  10. It has changed. I remember it as "forest fires" too.
  11. Sounds like a chainsaw. Looks like it hurt.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AAa0gd7ClM
  13. Wow, Casper was all over that repost, in 2 minutes!
  14. Sign a petition to make obamacare illegal and void in the state of Ohio. Well the petitions get it on the ballot, then we vote to make it void.
  15. Supernova: http://morrowcountysheriff.com/ccw_and_background_checks.htm All from their site:
  16. Usually they are interchanged, and some states refer to them as different names. But in the state of Ohio you will get a "Ohio License to carry a concealed handgun" That is what is says on the card. You apply for one at your county or adjacent county sheriff's office. Visit their site for information. Places off limits:
  17. There is also CCP, concealed carry permit and CWP, concealed weapon permit.
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