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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/jun/28/2/justices-extend-gun-owner-rights-nationwide-ar-124947/

    WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court held Monday that the Constitution's Second Amendment restrains government's ability to significantly limit "the right to keep and bear arms," advancing a recent trend by the John Roberts-led bench to embrace gun rights.


    Monday's decision did not explicitly strike down the Chicago area laws, ordering a federal appeals court to reconsider its ruling. But it left little doubt that they would eventually fall

  2. I've noticed Highslide is being used to resize images posted on OR. I use Chrome and the images are not expanding when I click on them. I only get a small black box and the slideshow control. I went to their website and they say it is compatible with Chrome. Any ideas?

  3. :lol: @ comments:

    Posted by: Javarious "J-Var" Location: Pointe on Jun 25, 2010 at 10:24 PM

    Are they gonna get "Mare"ied??

    Posted by: HaHa Location: Conyers on Jun 24, 2010 at 11:51 AM

    Times are getting really baaaaaaaa-d when people start doing things like this...

  4. Check your breaker and check your disconnect outside. Make sure your outside breakers are good.

    Every time a storm comes in and flickers the power, my A/c breaker pops. Might be all that it is.

    And yeah your car is low because it all leaked out somewhere. Like Tbutera said, you need to get it recharged then ad some UV dye to find out where the leak is. Then get it fixed and recharge it again.

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