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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. It's really crowded, especially if you get up on the water. Like elbow room only. Plus, people are assholes. I always come pretty close to flying off the handle when the National Anthem is playing and people won't shut the hell up.

  2. Screens are too small, typing is too difficult, my phone doesn't run that application....boo fucking hoo. Wait till you get home and do it on a COMPUTER.


    If you do that then you miss all the e-drama.(I don't have a phone with internet capabilities, don't want one either)

  3. I'm not sure that I agree with the author's interpretation of the 14th amendment, but its an interesting read none the less. Some of the comments are insightful as well.

    I still think the court did the right thing.

    Great read and it would take me half the day to reply properly to this so I'm not going to do it. I find many flaws with the premise but the argument takes much support to defend because the questions the writer raised were good points.

    I concur.

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