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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Well Hocking it is. John is working on the route now..................more details later, but you can count on this:

    Saturday May 15 -Calvary Chapel of Columbus 6075 East Livingston Avenue

    9AM arrival gassed up and ready to ride

    9:30 launch

    Some details are working out, but the route should look something like this:

    195 mile round trip down 664, 180, 678, 374, 664 again, to 93 to 50 MacArthur. Then 50 and 278 to Nelsonville, then 78, 13, and back to the start via 204 and 256. It'll be about 2 hours/90 miles to MacArthur where we get gas, an hour or less to Nelsonville for eating maybe??, then another 2 hours back home.

    More details to come............


  2. It is dirty isnt it. I wouldnt really do that just felt thugish for a min its Sams turn again.

    Just call the nice lady on the hill and warn her this time? I want to be special and get popsicles next time. :D

  3. I will whole heartedly agree with this as I just had a conversation with another in the group asking How fast the 5 of us in front were running because he was doing 120+ in the straights trying to keep us in sight and could not .... He was surprised when I said we didnt break 80. Im not going to name him as it was a private conversation, he'll chime in if he wishes
    I know this without being there, 70 to 80 is the usually pace between curves. If he was going over the yellow lines around the corners then the only way for him to keep up was to ride fast between them. Having someone else chime in won't resolve anything. I am willing to take the heat for being an asshole and calling him out, there is no reason to pile on. I do think he owes the group an apology and I'm glad this issue was resolved here instead of in the original thread.

    I took my corners slower and within my ability which is why I had to speed up on the straights. I swear I thought they leaders were doing over 120. I look at it like this. If I cross the yellow line, that's a no-go and I have failed. This will be my second season riding and my first full one on a 600. There isn't one person on here that is going to make me exceed my abilities. I will learn at my pace but I will learn. Was talking to Todd about trying to get to some track days this year too.

  4. I never played the drinking and driving game...it was never worth the risk to me.

    +1. I didn't really start drinking to I went into the Army. I saw to many lives ruined with alcohol so I learned how to handle myself and knew the consequences it could have. Only a couple times have I driven with a beer or two in my system. Of course that was when I had a higher tolerance also. I don't drink much anymore.

  5. There's no clearance between the front nose and fender for a steering-head stand to get in there without hitting. They all have the pin sitting at about 45°. I need to bend the pin up about 20° to use it.

    It's a front end stand that uses a pin that goes into the steering head and lifts from there so you can do forks as well as wheels.

    Oh, I understand what you're talking about now.If you wanted to come out to Johnstown, my dad has an oxy/acetylene torch I'm sure you could use.

    Bite the bullet and buy it, youll use again.

    Or do this^^^

  6. and NEVER access it from your main computer again... in fact, to be entirely safe you should format your hard drive and not connect it to the internet again... so now you see, there's no reason to fight it... just fly far enough under the radar that you're not a person of interest :D

    but if it's on dvd, even accessed on the internet connected machine, they couldn't delete it right? Of course they might be knocking on doors then.

  7. doesn't matter man, think about Sony's rootkit stuff. Viruses/Spyware/malware can be embedded into any file... then it spreads.

    If the external hard drive is ever connected to your computer... poof... all files infected. Ok so the root of the problem, you need 1 way communication, so CD-R recorded on main machine then copied to the secondary drive...

    The issue is, no matter what you do, your main computer will get infected. There are backdoors, trojans, worms on your computer already...

    Didn't consider that. So if I had anything, and I don't, I'd better burn to dvd.

  8. Thanks Todd, yea the gas would kill the deal. Map doesn't get any hotter than propane. Still looking for acetylene.

    Mapp is hotter

    Mapp gas produces a flame temperature of 5301° F (2927° C) and 2405 Btus.

    The maximum adiabatic flame temperature a propane torch can achieve with air is 2268 kelvins (1995 °C/3623 °F)

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