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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. First off, I am sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up too much, you can't hold someone's hand their whole life.

    You realize at some point that keeping your job and making your house payments is more important than a few beers. And if you have a wife and kids' date=' then making it home safely to them is definitely more important.[/quote']

    Thats the mother effing truth right there.

    Oh, he'll live just fine. In fact he's probably joking about the whole thing as I type this. .

    What? Really???

  2. Dear Lord, in the past year you have taken away my favorite actor.. Patrick Swayze, My favorite actress.. Farrah Fawcett, my favorite musician.. Michael Jackson, and my favorite salesman.. Billie Mayes.. I just wanted to let you know my favorite President is Barrak Obama..


  3. i was running dead last seen the curve slowed down to about 4 mph got scared and jumped off the bike suddnely rapidly accelrated through a feild where it fell over i tripped and fell chasing after it :asshole:roltfl
    I thought others were claiming the last spot, more not adding up. 4 MPH doesn't put you in the field but if you jumped off that makes sense because anything could happen. I was assuming you might have been riding over your head because others made it through the corner without going down. If you are riding within your skill set you can usually avoid gravel putting you down because you can slow down to avoid it. A sure sign you are riding over your head is that you are going over the yellow line. I guess we will never know if that was happening unless the bike in front of you saw you doing it because no one was behind you.

    There were a few people behind him, myself included. When we came up to the curve someone waved down us prior to cresting it. Don't know if anyone actually saw it happen though.

    Rick, you had another close call a little bit before that when you went of the road the first time. :lol: SmuckGirl and I were right behind you on that one.

  4. I remember from high school a poster that was in the "current world topics" class. It said "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem".

    Life does get rough sometimes, sometimes by our own making, sometimes by situations not from our doing. I am almost 40. I have learned it is sometimes better to be a good listener then a talker.

    I remember that phrase as well.

  5. Disable user account control. It was even worse in the beta versions! For MOST stuff you do in 7, or even Vista you should hardly ever see that, other than installing programs. I'm guess you didn't actually use her computer much, other than installing stuff for her....


  6. I think it's a best buy exclusive, other than refurbed through toshibadirect. We got one for my wife a few months ago, same exact model, with printer and carrying case for $429, and I though that was a good deal.

    Hoestly, I don't think that what you see in 7 is much different than vista, when it comes to daily use. A few things are better though. The biggest thing with 7 over Vista is that it runs better. Faster and smoother!

    As for the the pre-loaded crap, there wasn't much on the wife's either. In fact, there wasn't much loaded on mine when I get it over a year ago, from toshibadirect, or a friend's similar model to mine that he got around the same time at retail. I think they're cutting out the :bs: of loading so much crap on them, free trials and all. They DO load Symantec trial, and I think MS office trial, but that's about it.

    I really hated the screen dimming and the notification of "Are you sure you want to click that icon? It may be unsafe for your computer." Drove me insane.

  7. Finally getting around to checking in. I had to leave early with some health issues. I made is back ok, although I didn't actually make it back until 6:15 or so.

    Thanks a lot for the ride, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed meeting new faces, and seeing old ones again.

    Our waitress just sucked. Why do I always get the bad waiter/waitress? Applebees, Catalifinos, and now that place too?

    I'm glad to see that the Katana rider is ok, but seriously..have we not learned the Katana lesson by now?

    To all those people saying They were holding up the group....I was last in virtually every stop, so you guys don't need to worry about it. I was so far behind, you guys probably forgot I was part of the group. I like my spot back there though, I get to watch everyone else, and I allow the rest of you to falsely feel superior!

    I sure wish that the weather was warmer though, or that I had better gloves.

    My final comment..is I totally have to agree with..................

    P.S. To my lunch table, with the slow azz waitress... I did confuse the womens names we were talking about. You guys were right, I was confused, and wrong!

    You were part of the ride? lol, j/k

    I did like your paint job, don't see too many bikes done that way. I take it there were no scratches when someone pushed it over to test it?:p

  8. i almost have the same one but its a lil bit smaller, i have the netbook, satellite T115-1100. its got 2gigs of ram and 250GB, its the carbon fiber looking one. For that price you got its a great deal. I LOVE windows 7. i never really had a problem with vista but with the fast start up and the way its set up, im a happy camper :) nice computer.

    My mom has Vista. Just the little bit I've used it, I hate it. The other great thing about 7, or maybe it being a refurb, is it didn't come with 3 million programs I will never use and have to delete. It's got some cool features like the aero view and the navigation I find to be very easy.

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