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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. My white guy, but Asian eyes see what you did there...

    She is available. PM me your number so I can give it to her. Oh and bring some BBQ sauce, she likes that.

    I can do the 1/4 mile in 3/10 of a second, what now?


  2. A husband and wife are laying in bed. The man rips a huge fart, wife asks "what was that?" He replies, "touchdown 7 points"

    Next the wife rips one and says "touchdown, 7 to 7"

    A little later the man blows ass again and shouts, "touchdown 14 to 7"

    So the wife, trying to even up, passes a little squeak. The husband looks with dissapointment and she says "field goal, 14 to 10"

    Now the husband, trying all to hard, blows ass only to shit in the bed. The wife screams, "WHAT WAS THAT?",

    He says, "halftime switch sides"!

    Oh that was awesome! :lol:

  3. 1/4 mile 1/8 mile or what kind of track. if you cant do low 7's in the quarter than forget about it, your wasting my time. thats a 74% load of nitro with a 200" wheel base. sucka

    Pshh, weaksauce. When you are running mid 5's come talk to me. I'm running a 93% load of nitro, what? :rolleyes::p

  4. I had one similar to this. It was an asshole in a jeep, I passed him on an old cuntry road, he threw a fit (didn't endanger anyone). He sped to keep up and at the next stop sign pulled next to me to start yammering(sp?). I took off my helmet, as time for talking was over, only to see 2 cute little girls in their carseats. I told him he was a moron and get his kids to school safely.

    :nono: It's one thing to put your life in danger, but to be holding the lives of your kids and be that stupid, I'll never understand. When my daughter is with me I drive a lot safer and more defensively than when she isn't

  5. I'll look in the basement again, I'm betting I could mount a pole to my saddlebag brackets.

    Aren't most of the PGR events meant as "bodyguards" basically? I imagine if there's a service most just stand at the entrances? I really have no idea.

    That's basically it. The PGR will post themselves with flags as "filler" between the family and protesters so the family and friends of the loved one don't have to deal with the protesters. While the fallen is being transported, the PGR will lead in case anything happens on the road, they are there to neutralize any problems that could arise. And if you can mount a pole to your bike and ride with the flag, that is a big plus. They will usually put you at the very front of the PGR riders in that case. Oh, and if you can't ride a bike for whatever reason, cages and walkers are welcomed just the same.

  6. Thanks bud, I registered on the national site but the ohio register form wasn't loading on my phone so I'll have to do it tomorrow.

    I don't have a flag (other that my grandfather's from his funeral) what about dress requirements?

    The service is at a high school btw

    Whatever you ride in. There are guys in full fatigues, full leathers, jeans, whatever. You can usually get a flag for a few bucks at wall-mart. And anything can be used as a pole. I had used a shower curtain rod haha. I do wan't to pick one of these up if I can start doing more of these missions. http://www.flagpoletogo.net/store/product_info.php?cPath=27_21&products_id=28

  7. Yah that's him, I'm on my mobile so I couldn't scan the entire topic.

    Let me know if the PGR does something, I'd ride for it. Not a lot of protesters around here though.

    No big deal not scanning for it. I happy to help you out with it. I hope you can ride for it. It is a very humbling experience but amazing beyond belief. If I am able to, I'll ride up and meet you there. The only thing really requested is to have a 3x5 American Flag and pole, but if you don't it isn't a huge deal.

    Go here to sign up if you'd like. http://ohiopgr.com/join.html

    This is the info I have at this time:

    Confirmed Mission

    Honorable Escort:

    Information Pending

    Visitation :

    27 March 2010


    28 March 2010

    This information is tentative, please stay posted to this thread for final Itinerary .

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  8. DOD Identifies Marine Casualty

    The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

    Gunnery Sgt. Robert L. Gilbert II, 28, of Richfield, Ohio, died March 16 of wounds sustained March 8 while supporting combat operations in Badghis province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Special Operations Regiment, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command, Camp Lejeune, N.C.

    For additional background information on this Marine, news media representatives may contact the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command public affairs office at 910-440-0770.

    Chevy, can you find out of the riders are doing anything for the soldier that was killed last week.

    Robert something, he graduated from Rever High School in 2001. Funeral is next weekend I believe. My wife knew him.

    You mean this Marine?^^^ That is the only notification I have gotten. I'll look into it, and PM and post if I find anything out.

  9. Welcome Home

    B-Troop, 2-107th Calvary Regiment

    Lebanon, Ohio

    Returning from the Sandbox

    Welcome Home Ceremony Location:

    Urbancrest Baptist Church

    2634 Drake Road

    Lebanon, Ohio 45036

    22 March 2010@ 1300hrs-(1PM)

    Directions; http://chenurl.com/d7 (21 characters, Go »


    Urbancrest Baptist Church

    22 March 2010@1200hrs-(12PM)

    District # 7 Ride Captain Ron Johnson is assigned this Welcome Home Mission. Please follow his instructions . Dress per the weather conditions. If you are attending the first welcome home in the morning please go to this welcome home when you're done.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  10. Welcome Home

    C-Troop 2/107 Calvary Regiment

    Xenia, Ohio

    Returning from the Sandbox

    Welcome Home Ceremony:

    Dayton Masonic Lodge # 147

    525 West Riverview Avenue

    Dayton, Ohio 45401-0932

    22 March 2010@0900hrs-( 9AM)

    Escort Staging Area:


    3465 York Commons Blvd.

    Dayton, Ohio 45414

    22 March 2010@0745hrs-(7:45AM) If you are riding

    Directions: http://chenurl.com/d6 (21 characters, Go »)

    Welcome Home Ceremony Location:

    Dayton Masonic Lodge # 147

    525 West Riverview Avenue

    Dayton, Ohio 45401-0932

    22 March 2010@ 0900hrs-(9AM)

    Staging this Area:

    Dayton Masonic Lodge # 147

    22 March 2010 @ 0800hrs-(8AM) If you are not riding

    District # 7 Ride Captain Ron Johnson is assigned this mission. Please follow his instructions. Please remember your 3' x 5' American Flags.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  11. I think someone needs to make sure Gen3flygirl is really a girl. I'm starting to have my doubts.

    I was thinking the same thing.

    Gee, bikes, flying and guns. As long you eat red meat, err, aren't a vegetarian you'll probably be getting hit on a lot.

    There are quite a few people on here that have their CHL, myself included. If you do a search you'll find a lot of information discussing it.

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