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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. She is old enough, and this weekend at the expo center the following weekend at westland mall.

    Well hopefully I can make it up meet Likwid for the PGR mission this weekend. Let me know about Westland.

    I don't think nearly 3 is old enough for a road trip yet. She will sit in front of me while we ride though the parking lot. That's always a blast. :D

  2. And why am I forced to buy into this damned socialized water, too? I can afford bottled water. And I shouldn't be taxed to support the military, police, or fire departments-- I can hire my own security!!! And those roads-- poor people drive on public roads! How dare someone imply that sometimes I might have to pay into the society which allows me to live this way?! I EMERGED FULLY FORMED FROM THE MIND OF ZEUS, HOW DARE SOMEONE CLAIM THAT HUMANS HAVE BEEN FORMING GROUPS FOR MUTUAL SUPPORT AND BENEFIT SINCE THE DAWN OF MAN?!?!?!!!

    Existence in modern society is only a zero-sum game if you're an asshole. :rolleyes:

    What water are you being forced to buy? They will shut off your city water if you ask them to. Hire your own security force. Don't work, own land or buy things and you limit your taxes. You have that option to do so. Sure that's a hard route to take, but is an option for you.


    Confirmed Mission

    PO2 Ronald L. King, 67

    Montpelier, Ohio

    US Navy Vietnam Veteran

    USS Iwo Jima 1965-1968


    Wilson- Geesey Funeral Home

    335 Empire Street

    Montpelier, Ohio 43543

    23 March 2010@ 14-1600 hrs & 1800-2000 hrs- (2-4 PM & 6-8 PM)


    Wilson-Geesey Funeral Home

    23 March 1300 hrs-(1 PM) - 1700 hrs (5 PM)


    St Paul's Methodist Church

    402 Broad Street

    Montpelier, Ohio 43543

    24 March 2010@ 1100hrs-(11 AM)


    St Paul's Methodist Church

    24 March 2010@1000 hrs-(10 AM)

    District # 1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags. If you go to the visitation please if the ride captain has not made it there someone, step-up and stand the flag line.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot guard Riders


  4. also hate the mandate, and I'm not familiar enough with the bill to say "I'm onboard" but what I've read so far makes sense...

    and I'm sure multi millionaires are worried about the cost of health coverage:rolleyes:

    Doesn't matter if they are worried about it or not. It's wrong to make them have to buy it.On a smaller scale, what if the government said you, magley, had to buy something like oysters every week. But you don't need them, don't want them, hate the taste. Sure you can afford them, but why are you being forced to buy them?

  5. And given your previous service, I didn't think you wanted to renounce your citizenship, even rhetorically. What I still can't figure out is why you asked the question. Also, why do you have the flag upside down in your sig after the bill passed? I looked up the Flag Code which reads:

    So what's the deal?

    Because I really feel this is the beginning of a turn for the worst.

    Ahh the slippery slope argument again I see. And you're right, I'm super pissed I don't have a slave mowing my yard and tending my garden while I drink mint julep, ya hear.


    Ah, still not bring anything to the thread I see.

    ie gun control, "reverse racism"....

    time to finally go home and go to bed....

  6. Ok' date=' I agree with you on this.. but is there anything else? We could pressure our Representatives to remove this from the bill if that's all you have an issue with.

    I mean, it's kind of a stupid rule.. because I don't know anyone that is against carrying insurance of some sort. The issue I have with it is when does my current HSA become "non-compliant" with the FedGov's standards? This is what I don't like about the whole deal. When does the shoe drop?[/quote']

    No there is more, but I'll really have to get into that later. But you are wrong with some people not carrying some sort of insurance. It's called being self-insured. Basically you (I assume) and I couldn't afford open heart surgery out of pocket. So we buy insurance to assume a lot of the risk should we need it. Now you become a multi-billionaire. Do you still need an insurance agency to assume much of that risk for you or would you be able to pay for it. Sure the billionaires are few, but nonetheless, why force them to have it if they don't want and/or need it?

  7. What about the bill don't you like?

    Well I am still at work trying like hell to get my bike up and running so I have only been hitting this thread a little bit and keeping stuff short. What I was speaking of before was mandating health care or be fined. I don't think mandates are good. Again I'm not talking like auto insurance. You don't have to drive a car.

    You're not wrong' date=' there's seriously no maintenance necessary to retain your US citizenship. I'm not sure where you are going with this question, unless it's subtle "I'm going to renounce my US citizenship if the HC bill passes" rhetoric.

    When I was in Australia, I happened to be sitting at a table with 3 guys, a Englishman, a New Zealander (damn kiwis ;) ), and an Aussie. They were asking me why people in America were so deathly afraid of having universal healthcare. All they've seen in the media is the constant wharrgarbl coming from people like Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh, the protests on Washington by the teabaggers, and the counterpoints from Obama. From that, they really could not understand why we were so opposed to it. My answer to them was this: The Republicans, who collectively represent all those people like Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and the teabaggers (let's call a spade a spade here) either want no change at all and to maintain the status quo, or they want change but can't (or won't) accurately describe what that change is or how to enact it. Since the Dems are in power, the only thing the Repubs know or want to do is just to say no. Now that Obama is figuring out that they really aren't going to be a part of the process, and he has a bill in hand with details on what reforms are going to happen, this is the temper tantrum of thousands of people.[/quote']

    No, I am not going to denounce my citizenship (kind of like many liberal hollywood stars said they would if Bush was elected and never left.) As cliche as this will probably sound, I will always be ready to give my life for my country but will never dessert it.

    I was getting at we mandate HC now. What come next? Look at the history of the US. You can't really deny that our freedoms and liberties are slowly diminishing in many aspects.

  8. he's on ecstacy? shouldnt he be at a rave or something instead of posting ITT?

    No, I mean just think about it. Other than males registering for the selective service, what other requirements do u have as a citizen? Don't have to vote. Don't have to pay taxes ( don't own land, buy stuff or work) I mean please correct me if I am wrong. I don't like the idea of our government, who was elected by us, who speak for us, mandating something we don't want. It isn't that we don't want HC reform, just not this reform.

  9. Which polls are we using again? :D


    Two months where "In favor" was either equal to or greater than "against"

    The American public remains evenly divided on whether President Obama's health care plan should be passed, according to the latest Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll.

    Forty-six percent of all respondents came out in favor of passing the bill, with 45 percent against it.

    But even for those who voiced their support for the legislation, the President's plan is less than ideal. Only 36 percent of all poll participants thought the plan was a "good idea".

  10. This is the price of rationing. I heard about this on NPR a few months ago. Not sure if there is any validity to it' date=' but I can certainly see how the FedGov could use statistics to push the screenings to a later date. This may not affect the majority of women, but the minority will be screwed. Fear not.. the Democrats are the party of the minority. They'll have [b']a knife inyour back for sure. :rolleyes:


  11. "Both sides would do well to remember the dignity of the house." Said on the House floor last night ago during an outcry.

    I got a good chuckle out of that. The people said they didn't want this but Pelosi's betting pool on the number of votes they'd get was more important.

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