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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I just downloaded Opera on my phone. Gonna try it out and see how I like it.
  2. Bwahahaha And he growled at them after the first shot then went back to his meal. You know a bunch of people are cheering the the zombie apocalypse is here. Lol
  3. I thought poloroid made normal film cameras too, not just the instant ones they are known for.
  4. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/26/11899578-boy-buys-garage-sale-camera-holding-photo-of-grandmas-dead-son?lite
  5. Martin should of had a taser. Taser would have beaten a gun. Kind of like paper beats scissors.
  6. I bet you're going to say you weren't wrong because "that's how it used to be" or "that's how it is in another state". Even after the orc was posted
  7. Lol you really like to ignore near all my posts and questions to you, don't ya'....
  8. "You don't say much my friend but when you do it's to the point and i salute you for it."
  9. Also, am I to believe that due to your lack of response as to why a taser is a better option than a gun, you don't have an explanation but just think that?
  10. Building electrical can fail, appliances can short circuit, cooking accidents can happen, I have a five year old... I have a couple of friends who lost their home, possessions and two dogs because their furnace malfunctioned. I find it too easy to keep some fire extinguishers for a little peace of mind. Is it 100% that I'll be able to put out a fire? No of course not but that's a bit more of an edge that I have because shit happens. I also don't run with scissors. This will be wear you say I should walk around in a bubble suit and never leave the house right. Last time I was shot at? About 3 weeks ago. My lifestyle choices are just fine. But the people you walk by on the sidewalk, or drive by, or sit next too at the burger joint, or in line behind at the grocery store...I get to see them at their worst and know what they are capable of. I'm lucky that I don't see the worst of the worst. Most people are good people, I'm just not under the illusion that there aren't people who will harm you for any reason whatsoever. Hell, Midget Todd and his gf were shot trying to get car jacked. His gun saved his life. Let me go this route, seeing what thread we are in anyways. Let us say that Martin is 100% innocent in his actions. He was not acting suspicious in any way and was only minding his business walking home. This was a decent neighbor hood too right? Yeah they had break ins but not murders and all that, right? Let's say that Zimmerman was the aggressor. This is what a large percentage of people believe and if IIRC, you do as well. So Zimmerman had the advantage because he had the gun. Martin was fighting and throwing elbows, as you say would be your response to a threat, as evident by Zimmerman's injuries. What did Martin's "throwing elbows" get him? Would it have evened up the odds had he been legally caring a firearm? What would have been a good option for Martin in this situation?
  11. I'm really sorry to hear about your dad, Scott. Like was mentioned, at least there is some time to saygood bye and make things right if need be. Life is crazy and unfair. Some people will smoke 3 packs a day and live to be 100. Others make all the healthy choices and die of cancer at 20. Fuck cancer. I'll share a few things with you. My dad has chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He got real sick and ended up in the hospital about 2 or so years ago. He got bruises and red splotches for no reason. He takes medication and is doing fine right now. I mean he can still get around and works his ass off. We just know that one day it will probably take him. One benefit is that he smothers my daughter, his only blood grandkid, with so much love. She gets away with so much shit that I couldn't at her age. Hell, he showed her how to use their window AC unit to blow bubbles in the house. Lol Fuck cancer. My mom's first husband's second wife died from cancer about a year ago. We got along great with her after some of the BS but that's neither here nor there. She was diagnosed roughly a year before she died. She did a lot of things she always wanted to do. She spent as much time with family and friends as she could. Doesn't make her passing any easier. Fuck cancer. This past Tuesday I was at the funeral of a friend who died from a brain tumor. About 3 weeks ago he was incapacitated at home with it. Couldn't hardly move or talk. They gave him 2-4 months to live. He died in two weeks. He was a firefighter and was currently working on EMT training with his 21 year old daughter. He was always put his needs above his own no matter what. They radioed out to the mutual aide departments that he was "out of service". That's rough to hear. He was 53. Fuck cancer. There isn't much point in me telling you all this other than the fact that you not alone. Life is a bitch sometimes but you've always got to look at the bright and good side even though the pain might cloud your view. Be tough, not just for yourself but the rest of your family and especially your dad. And in case I forgot to mention it... Fuck cancer.
  12. . Found you. For anyone else....we are all the way in the back.
  13. I have a fire extinguisher in my house but its never burned down before. Guess I don't need one. But you don't leave your county, remember?
  14. Cause you NEVER leave your county? Guess not.
  15. Yeah....Thanks to the media, this case is all jacked up.
  16. Why is it that the only part you replied to? I keep asking questions and putting stuff out there and you keep deflecting.
  17. $75 http://www.armed2defend.com/
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