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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Amazing how my questions have gone unanswered in this thread. Never an answer as to how tasers are more effective and safer than guns. Just that guns put holes in people. Diversion tactic and theory based on emotions and lack of knowledge. Another question: how is it that shootings happen where guns are banned? Columbine? Ft Hood? Post offices? Immigration offices? Why is crime so low in Kennesaw GA (no murders in many years) where there is a law that states guns are required? Why are there no shootings at gun stores and shows? Police stations? And the few instances that do exist, how quickly was the shooter taken out? As far as carrying a missile...really? How many people get taken out by a tank in Ohio? Yeah not many . Many people get shot, for NO reason in "safe" areas. It would be smart to try and equalize your chance of surviving. Don't wanna carry a gun? That's fine but don't be so oblivious to what really happens to innocent people. Also, try and think out what you're saying before you say something dumb like tasers are a better alternative to a gun. Id like you to go into a police station and tell them that. They'll laugh their asses off...I have been. All that being said, I have no problem with you Magley. I think your view of guns and real life danger is naive and uniformed but that's your choice. Most people fear what they don't understand.
  2. Also goes to show how much the media really tells you.
  3. Fresno Man Arrested for Disguising Shotgun as Super Soaker
  4. Yep, I'm still trying to understand how a taser is more effective against deadly threats.so far all I've gotten is what they do to a person, not a comparative analysis against a firearm. I'm open minded, just no valid argument has been supplied. Wait. We give one guy a taser, another a handgun and we have a duel!
  5. I used a Glock since that's what gangstas use.
  6. Since my questions were never answered: Ranges: shotgun tazer 100ft (secondary weapon not carried with the officer) duty carry tazer 35 ft Glock 17 ~ 165ft Ar15 ~1640ft So how, Magley, would an officer go up again a Glock or AR by using a tazer keeping in mind electric shock will cause muscle contractions (trigger squeeze)
  7. Skip to 1:50. Tazers doesn't to incapacitate him completely. And plenty other vids out there of a tazer not working http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avAH49NY_iY&nomobile=1
  8. Not to mentioned clothing, especially winter clothing can prevent a tazer from working.
  9. Yes they usually do, usually. Now explain what happens when they are behind concealment, shooting at the officer and the officer has a tazer with limited reload capabilities, and limited range. Who has the upper hand in that scenario?
  10. Because guns only kill. Typical fearing of what isn't understood. Spoons are used for food. People get fat from food. Therefore spoons have to make people fat. Same logic.
  11. Not all that quickly. They aren't exactly quick reload friendly. Cause no one has EVER gotten shot and survived. Yes a gun will kill. No an officer doesn't shoot to kill. If one round strikes the arm or other non vital area, and the suspect drops his gun, the officer doesn't plan on shooting again. Although adrenaline and timing can okay a part. And just skip over telling me how the tazer is more effective at neutralizing (not dispatching) a deadly threat. I'm sure you really have no idea or you would have brought it up by now.
  12. Id venture to say there is but don't know where. Saw this on FB.
  13. Neutralize does not mean dead. It means no longer a deadly threat. Can you or can you not give any valid poinwith either links or personal experience? You said they are better but haven't explained how or why. Back up your claims. Ill admit it if they are better. All I'm asking for is what you base your claim on.
  14. You brought it up. Back up your claims if you can. The ones i am aware of: What's the capacity on them? (Less than standard duty weapon) What's effective range. (Less than duty weapon) Some people aren't as incapacitated by tazers. A bullet is more effective for life threatening situations. Concealment (different than cover) is effective against tazers, not against a duty weapon. Convince me that they are better to neutralize a deadly threat.
  15. I do believe that would be an understatement, good sir.
  16. Still waiting on more info on the weapons you stated don't but big holes in people and are just as if not more effective than guns..........
  17. No you don't understand. They aren't going to ask for the keys, give you a high five and ride off into the sunset. They will shoot you or stab you just because they can.
  18. You have a motorcycle right? That is enough reason for some. You have it, they want it. Hell some will kill you just cause they had a bad day.
  19. What enemies did the Columbine students have? They were safe at school right? And. Still curious Magley: What's effective range? What's considered effective? Ease of use, durability.....?
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