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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Obama said he'd have the most honest and open administration. Hmm....
  2. You went skydiving from 33 ft huh. Living on the edge.
  3. Freaked me out the first tine I was in someones home for a DV and heard us on their scanner.
  4. I'm not as harsh to say something like that but understand where he was commingle from. To say its just a job will when you haven't been in is a bit foolish. All I can gather is your experience goes as far as your friends story. And if it was just a job, why would he be so against him enlisting then? Best thing I did was join the army. I miss it everyday, so much so I'm 99% sure I'm going to go back in. It was an adventure, as cliche as that may sound. But what I learned while in has proven to be invaluable. Duty, honor, loyalty, selfless service. I've seen acts of love and kindness come from troops that I've never seen on the civilian side. Would you taken a bullet for one of your coworkers? That sort of brotherhood doesn't come about many other places. Forget why we went to the middle east. Those guys fight for their brother next to them. They asked their family to sacrifice their time amongst other things, to give to something bigger than themselves. What has been given up by a soldier and their family, most civilians really don't understand. I've found that many who've thanked me admit to that and know they can't comprehend the gravity of it all. That's one reason they are thankful. Let me also say I felt this way before I went in, now I understand it better. Arguably not all those that serve abide by those set of values. Just like not all cops are jerks, sportbike riders are dangerous assholes and IT guys are dorky dudes with no girlfriend. I've found that a lot of our current support of the military stems from Vietnam vets who were spit on when they got back. For those vets I am truly sorry. But they are a huge drive Ingram force now to correct those wrongs and see that today's vets are not judged the way they were.
  5. Can't imagine why you'd get flak from them...
  6. RVT, you said it better than I could have. You do get perk with it, but you also give up a ton of things most people take for granted everyday. Military life is rough and stressful. Mine wasn't a 9-5 job by any stretch. In my section, I was always the first in and last to leave. Got called in in the middle of the night for stuff often. Soldiers got in trouble or in an accident, I was there for them. I made sure my troops ate and showered before I did, sometimes that meant I went without. That's just stateside. Deployment was a whole other story. But to think its just a job is naive and foolish. (Well maybe the AF is, lol)
  7. I would recommend not viewing this at work. But it gave me laugh reading through it. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucking,_Austria#section_3
  8. Its just a job....yeah if that's what you think. All the military does is throw elbows at the Taliban.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDmWkwtLmug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0_qzlk5Bjs
  10. chevysoldier


    Or you could buy a Toshiba. Mine made it through Iraq, countless field rotations, dropped, thrown, sat on, and pounds of dirt/sand go through it. Took it all like a champ.
  11. Bite me. Lol. Not a whole lot of time and not many people online during 3rd shift.
  12. Probably right Tbut. He'll be post whoring as soon as he can
  13. Been quiet around here.
  14. Congrats and welcome to a whole new world.
  15. Then they should change their name to Buffalo Tenders. Rings are ok, wings...not really.
  16. Don't think I'll be going anymore either. I don't think the food is all that great.
  17. I think you're over thinking this. K.I.S.S. Open the box and carry pieces. You're gonna have to do that to put it together anyways.
  18. Enjoy http://www.bigcatstickershack.com/index.php/stickers/zombies/
  19. I've seen reading a newspaper held up in front of their face, books, folding laundry, eating soup, changing clothes...damn Cali drivers...
  20. Microsoft security essentials here. Used to run nod32.
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