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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. OK, so you as a (I'm assuming) conservative taxpayer, think that corporations who received federal bailout funds (from BUSH) should not have to answer to anyone on the federal level?

    If so... knock yourself out, but I gotta disagree with you there, buddy. How is it unconstitutional to hold these guys responsible for running thier companies into the ground, and then giving themselves $multi-millions$ worth of bonuses out of federal money? Me no get that.:p

    Conservative, yes. Doesn't mean I agreed with everything Bush did. Don't assume, it's not nice. If they cannot manage money given to them, then they should not be in business anymore. Then the next guy moves in and hopefully does better.

    "If too many cooks ruin the soup, what do too many czars ruin? To date, Barack Obama has appointed at least 28 czars, people whose sole function is to integrate industry and government through regulation. The following list of czars was compiled by PolitiFact.com:

    1. Herb Allison-TARP Czar

    2. Alan Bersin-Border Czar

    3. Dennis Blair-Intelligence Czar

    4. John Brennan-Terrorism Czar

    5. Carol Browner-Energy Czar

    6. Adolfo Carrion, Jr-Urban Affairs Czar

    7. Ashton Carter-Weapons Czar

    8. Aneesh Chopra-Technology Czar

    9. Jeffrey Crowley-AIDS Czar

    10. Cameron Davis-Great Lakes Czar

    11. Nancy-Ann DeParle-Health Czar

    12. Earl Devaney-Stimulus Accountability Czar

    13. Joshua DuBois-Faith-based Czar

    14. Kenneth Feinberg-Pay Czar

    15. Danny Fried-Guantanamo Closure Czar

    16. J. Scott Gration-Sudan Czar

    17. Richard Holbrooke-Afghanistan Czar

    18. John Holdren-Science Czar

    19. Van Jones Green-Jobs Czar

    20. Gil Kerlikowske-Drug Czar

    21. Vivek Kundra-Information Czar

    22. George Mitchell-Mideast Peace Czar

    23. Ed Montgomery-Car Czar

    24. Dennis Ross-Mideast Policy Czar

    25. Gary Samore-WMD Czar

    26. Todd Stern-Climate Czar

    27. Cass Sunstein-Regulatory Czar

    28. Paul Volcker-Economic Czar

    Now, all of this would be laughable, were it not for the power of these individuals with strong loyalties to the Administration. These people are accountable to no one, able to make policy that affects the lives of ordinary citizens, and collect huge salaries compliments of the taxpayer. On second thought, maybe there should be one more czar–the Gone Too Far Czar."

  2. +1

    I've been working in the media for years... trust me.. anything and everything can be "edited" to be be read or viewed a certain way. I can take one set of facts and write them up in 2 different ways to appeal to 2 different audiences. I can, and have. Often.

    What kind of media?

  3. Ionno if it's so much fear of the black man, but it's for sure fear of change. And a black guy president is probably more change than the average person can handle.

    Why? He's not even black, he's mixed. But how is this different than people voting for him just because he is "black". I talked with people on why they were voting for him and they said "He's a black man and can offer a different perspective." And that makes him qualified to be our president? So rasicm is only racism when it degrades someone/a group?

  4. Been searching high and low for all these Constitutional tramplements (iMade up a word! hee hee hahah) that our President and the whole left has been accused of.

    See "Pay Czar"

    "Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines it thusly: “1. An emperor or king having absolute authority, specifically: the ruler of Russia before the 1917 revolution. 2. One having great power or absolute authority: dictator.”"

  5. amen brother. I want to see everything I can see. I want to be able to tell stories of, I rode my bike to mount Rushmore , and here and there. If we stayed inside all the time because we were afraid, what would we be? A bunch of pale weirdos that have permanent TV remotes in our hands. Forget all that. I want ride. I want see the world. If something happens en route to go see the world, then so be it. At least I wasn't watching tv... waiting for death. :)

    I am all for that, totally agree. But that is not an excuse to go out and ride like an idiot or above your ability. What's that saying..."Live to ride, ride to live"

  6. Easy up big guy...I was just asking for some clarification. Wasn't busting your balls at all.

    Sorry. It's all good.

    Thanks for your service. The majority of Americans (me included) appreciate what you did. Not everyone is capable.

    Thank you. It just burns me up when it comes to Iraq how some people are oblivious to the whole picture.

    My point with bringing up Sheehan is where is she now? She was camped out on Bush's doorstep, wanting every soldier home, but now that BO hasn't delivered on his "promises" why isnt she camped out harassing him? Ahhh...the duplicity - you could cut it with a knife.


    I can't think of ANYTHING he's done that I agree with. I'd love to hear your take on the 10% that you do agree with.

    In order to agree with 100%, I would have to be positive I know of EVERYTHING he has done. I am sure there are things he has done that I do not now of. I don't want to say I disagree with something I don't know of.

    I appreciate your agreement, but I have to ask what "hidden agenda" are you referring to? When people use words like that it conjures up images of a "vast right wing conspiracy" in my mind. Personally, I think the agenda is very clear - a lot of people don't like what BO's doing and they are getting vocal about it. Perhaps its because that now the right is on the offensive, and its the left's turn to be defensive?

    I'm not just referring to Obama. For example Gore hyping up global warming when in one month his house uses double the amount of electricity than that of an average household. You know there are politians out there there are secretly pursuing something that benefits them and their lobbyists. Some just don't hide it as well.

    But do you know exactly what is going through their heads when they say something ? You know not too many, if any, are totally honest when they tell you why they said what they said (includes voting also)

    Are the keys in different places on that keyboard? :D

    :nono: It's still a qwerty keyboard but it is set up a little differently and a different size and I was also engaged in conversation with visiting family so only half of my attention was devoted to the thread.

  7. So, are you saying that because people don't like his policies we should just STFU and let it go because he managed to get elected?

    Seriously, part of what makes this country the best place on earth to live is the fact that we don't have to agree with every person that makes it to the highest office. We are free to make our opposition known and fight for what we believe is right. Try that in China, North Korea, or Cuba - let me know how it works out for ya.

    Racism is racism - it doesn't have a "reverse gear". It is what it is. Obama promised "change" and we're getting it - change for the sake of change isn't always good. Oh, and that Iraq, Afghanistan thing - don't worry about that he'll get to it sooner or later :rolleyes: Question though - where's Cindy Sheehan now?

    You make a valid point, some people just dont like him so they will find anything to make him sound unfit to be the president. BUT, it goes the other way too. How many people voted for him because he was black/mixed(reverse racism?)? Or he promised change(not what change) Or he said he would set a definite timeframe for Iraq(whether the job was finished or not).

    Whoa, hold on now. I never said STFU. All I said is there are people, on both side, that just because they dont like someone they will come up with anything that fits their agenda, true or not. Back your shit up with facts and I will listen to ya and consider what you have to say(not directed to you). Yes we are free to think what we want. I know that doesnt happen in Korea,China...I never said I wanted to move there so chill.

    My point is the left want to say oh your picking on Obama. Your don't like him cuz hes black. How many people voted for him solely because he is black? So its wrong to dislike him for his color, but ok to like him for his color? People say its reverse racism which I quietly disaggreed with but you missed the "?" inside the (). Not important. No different than people saying the would vote for Hillary because it's time for a female president.

    I a said that he promised change(not what change,for better or worse)

    And as for Iraq. He said we will pull out in xx timeframe. Then oh, well let me talk to the generals on ground and changed his mind. and again....Dont recall a timeframe for Afghanistan. But it was Iraq that was on people's minds. Maybe we went into the middle east for the wrong reasons, oil, power, money, terrorism. I DON"T KNOW. What I do know is that if we pull our troops out before the job is done and the country is stable, all those rip's sent for Moose's friend and all the other troopers lives lost will be for nothing. The job must be completed. Yeah we've lost a lotof men over there. Not a day goes by I don't regret that or the fact that my life was spared and someone else life wasn't. But for someone who say's we are gonna pull out so that the stupid Cindy Sheehan's of the world will vote for him is bull shit.Her son signed up. I was told when I went in, plan on going to war. He knew what could happen. And for her to abuse the death of her son is wrong. I made my peace with God before I went. I knew what could happen. And I would do it again.

    I don't agree with 90% of what Obama is doing. IMO the country was dumb enough to elect him. But this is America, the greatest country on earth. Is approval rating is dropping as the realize he is going back on what he has said and that the color of his skin was not a good reason to vote for him.

    I agree with most everything you have said in this thread Todd. But also know that neither side is 100% perfect. I agree with much more on the right than the left. But there are some things on the left I agree with. If people would get over themselves, research the facts, do as they preach and get rid of hidden agendas we would be so much better off.

    and BTW, excuse the typos and grammatical error. I am on a different computer and don't care to proof-read. Carry on.

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