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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Have we really come down to this bullshit? People..just be honest. You don't like Obama, so anything you can rally against, you'll do it. Especially if it comes to the 'kids'. If Obama said I will give your kids free lunch in school, you'll say he's trying to buy votes. It really doesn't matter WHAT the CONTENT of the speech is. NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT'S in THE DAMN SPEECH anyways!! You're automatically against it. No one had an issue with Bush...Reagan doing the same thing. I'm sure someone will pull the 'He's not even an American' card. Even though the 'brith cert' thing was already proven false...folks will still try to find SOMETHING to cling on to. If you're gonna fault Obama, find something that he is truly fucking up. Don't try to ass rape him over talking to your kids in school about being the best they can be and helping their country. If Obama is telling these kids to sign up for the Socialist/Communist movement like people think, I'll eat my words. Somehow, I DOUBT it. He's the fucking President, whether some of you like it or not. And whether some of you believe it or not, he doesn't want our school children to FAIL.

    Get a fucking grip people.

    Sorry..my leash is short.

    You make a valid point, some people just dont like him so they will find anything to make him sound unfit to be the president. BUT, it goes the other way too. How many people voted for him because he was black/mixed(reverse racism?)? Or he promised change(not what change) Or he said he would set a definite timeframe for Iraq(whether the job was finished or not).

  2. Interesting read. You're right, there is quite a few stats, interesting ones.

    Engine sizes of motorcycles whose drivers were killed in crashes went up dramatically in the last few years. Among motorcycle drivers killed in 2008, 26 percent drove motorcycles with engine size larger than 1,400 cc, compared to 9 percent in 2000 and less than 1 percent in 1990.

    Percentage of motorcycle driver deaths by motorcycle engine size, 1985-2008


  3. "MV Agusta F4 1100 CC

    The cheapest one in the top 3 is the MV Agusta F4 1100 CC. Lots of power, 315 km/h (195 mph) topspeed and a great design for just $135,000

    MTT Turbine Superbike

    Second is the MTT Turbine Superbike. $185,000 will give you one of these. It comes with a Rolls-Royce turbine engine that was designed to lift a helicopter. The engine gives you 300+ hp to play with and a topspeed of 365 km/h (227 mph).

    According to Guinness Word Records, the MTT Turbine Superbike is the most powerful production motorcycle ever. It is even more powerful than the Ducati Desmosedici RR, which I believed was the fastest production motorcycle in the world.

    Still, I’m not sure if I will consider it a normal motorcycle or not. It is the only motorcycle I have ever seen with a turbine engine.

    Dodge Tomahawk

    The most expensive motorcycle in the world is the Dodge Tomahawk. Production was limited to just ten models and they retailed at $550,000 each! The Dodge Tomahawk has the honor of being the fastest motorcycle ever (675 km/h, 419 mph), but it isn’t street legal "


    See link above for pics.

  4. I'm with you too soldier, I just wanted to post that to let people know. :)

    Each time I ride, I hope I make it home and never become a STATISTIC. :eek:

    RIP to all that have fallen.:rip:

    Yes, :rip:

    but remember

    you ARE a statistic. Just on the other side of the spectrum. Just as long as we all come home alive at the end of a ride. Rubber side down!

  5. Mathematics is at work here...

    Motorcycles are more popular than EVER. Just like anything else, more people doing it, higher the statistics will climb.

    More riders will always = more accidents/deaths.

    Oh no I agree with you there. One fatality (bike or cage) is one too many. Never gonna happen though. Just something interesting I found is all.

  6. Saw this comment on a site from OR's latest Rider Down thread:

    "~IF~ you are involved in an accident, the odds of you dying on a motorcycle are 33 (yes, you read that correctly, 33) times greater that you will be killed then if you were in a four-wheeled vehicle. This information is directly cited from the D.O.T.."

    So I decided to look into it a little further, and found this report from 2006:


    "Motorcycle rider fatalities decreased each year from 1995 to 1997, reaching a historic low of 2,116 in

    1997. Beginning in 1998 motorcycle rider fatalities started to increase each year. Since 1997

    motorcycle rider fatalities have increased by 89 percent. NHTSA released a comprehensive report in

    2001 based on increases in motorcycle rider fatalities for two consecutive years (1998 and 1999). The

    latest 2004 data show that motorcycle rider fatalities increased for the seventh year in a row since

    1997. This report is an update to the 2001 report and was written to provide insight and update into the

    continued increasing trend in motorcycle rider fatalities in the recent years."

    "More than 125,000 motorcycle riders have died in traffic crashes since the enactment of

    the Highway Safety Act of 1966 and The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act

    of 1966."

    "Per vehicle mile traveled in 2004, motorcycle

    riders (39.89) were about 34 times more likely than passenger car occupants (1.18) to die

    in a motor vehicle traffic crash."

    Motorcycle Fatal Crashes in 2008


    :nono: These are some scary statistics. Maybe someone here on OR would be up to organizing an Ohio Riders driven motorcycle awareness rally or something?:confused:

    Just some food for thought.

  7. Q My name is Cam Fitzie and I'm from St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Virginia. I was wondering if you think that it is possible to decrease the national debt without raising the taxes of the public?

    PRESIDENT REAGAN: I do. That's a big argument that's going on in government and I definitely believe it is because one of the principle reasons that we were able to get the economy back on track and create those new jobs and all was we cut the taxes, we reduced them.
    Because you see, the taxes can be such a penalty on people that there's no incentive for them to prosper and to earn more and so forth because they have to give so much to the government.
    And what we have found is that at the lower rates the government gets more revenue, there are more people paying taxes because there are more people with jobs and there are more people willing to earn more money because they get to keep a bigger share of it, so today, we're getting more revenue at the lower rates than we were at the higher.

    And do you know something? I studied economics in college when I was young and I learned there about a man named Ibn Khaldun, who lived 1200 years ago in Egypt. And 1200 years ago he said, in the beginning of the empire, the rates were low, the tax rates were low, but the revenue was great. He said in the end of empire, when the empire was collapsing, the rates were great and the revenue was low.

    So when the price of milk goes down, you don't stock up on it? Or the fact the people have tried to increase the taxes on cigarettes to lower the number of people that smoke?

  8. I actually have no problem with the original wording. Why? Well because any intelligent person could see it as a generic office of the president, help their country type of thing, civics.

    So why not say something to the effect of "Ask what you can do for your country."? He knows he is being scrutinized on everything. Maybe he doesn't want to become a socialist country(I think he does but irrelevent right now) Wouldn't his 7(ish) speech writers make sure he doesn't sound like a socialist scumbag?

    Other presidents have given speechs to kids. Thats cool. But stick to "stay in school, open your mind to learning" yada yada. And release the speech in advance. Not the morning of it going live. This gives parents and teachers no time to check it out.

  9. "

    The first President George Bush, a Republican, made a similar nationally broadcast speech from a Washington high school in 1991, urging students to study hard, avoid drugs and to ignore peers “who think it’s not cool to be smart.” Democrats in Congress accused him of using taxpayer money — $27,000 to produce the broadcast — for “paid political advertising"

    "An early version of the lesson plan suggested that students write letters to themselves saying “what they can do to help the president.” That wording was changed to suggest students write letters laying out how they can “achieve their short-term and long-term educational goals.”"

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