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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. +1.. I can't ride behind somebody that has one of those fucking things wired to their bike. Drives me crazy... :mad:

    Thats why I like it, they stand out. I'd rather be annoying than rear ended but to each their own. :D

  2. The other type, all you have to do is let off and re-apply to start a flash sequence again. The one I was looking at wouldn't start the entire sequence, but give a few few flashes, unless a certain time had passed.

    Eh, I like KISS. Dont want to have to worry about it. And plus you cant beat like $15

  3. Sure does, I try to flash the brakes if I see someone coming up behind me. Don't usually angle but that's not a bad idea.

    Thats why I like my brake modulator. It flashes like 3 times, then steady for a couple seconds then repeats until I release the brake.I don't like the ones that flash then stay constant. I figure if it keeps flashing, they have a better chance of seeing me.

  4. Glad to hear you're ok.

    When I stop behind someone, I tend to be off to one side or the other, so if I am rear ended I won't be crushed into the car in front of me. If I do see them coming up quick then all I have to do is go straight forward and hopefully they hit the car and I'll be a bit protected. Does this make sense to anyone else?

  5. I think it should be on tv every 5 minutes.


    It is NOT too graphic. Maybe this will get the point across to people. And for those that say it is...C'mon. Lok at what kind of movies people choose to watch. We need to stop worrying if we are gonna offend anyone and get it through peoples thick skull that when they are driving they are not only responsible for their own life but those around them (in the cage or other driver,pedestrians) It should be aired all the time and I was pissed they didn't air the whole commercial on the news, just a segment.:rant:

  6. Hey thanks for that - its really interesting - no joke thanks, I love learning things

    Me too. :D

    but why cut the stars off, whats the signifigance

    That I do not know. Always wondered but no one seemed to know. Maybe you could research it? Tho it'd prob take you awhile. :D

    Edit: I think it just has something to do with respect.

  7. No Clue..but I bet your gonna tell us...LOL

    A razor, a match, and a bullet

    Razor to cut the stars from the stripes

    Match to burn them

    and a bullet for your last stand/see to it you are not take alive

    and supposedly the gun is buried due north the same distance as the length of the flag pole.

    Well thats what we were told anyways. :D

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