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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. like this?

    a hour

    an unicorn

    an university

    an european

    yes yes, i stand corrected on my statement. Looks like you found this:

    WHEN TO USE -A-Use a if the next word begins with a consonant SOUND. This is a sound rule, NOT a spelling rule.a box

    a cat

    a university (university begins with a consonant sound)

    a unicorn (unicorn begins with a consonant sound)

    a European trip (European begins with a consonant sound)

    a hotel (hotel begins with a consonant sound)WHEN TO USE -AN-Use AN if the next word begins with a vowel SOUND. This is a sound rule, NOT a spelling rule.an atom

    an entrance

    an ice cream cone

    an uncle (uncle begins with a vowel sound)

    an hour (the h is silent, thus a vowel sound)

  2. I had the blonde-ish female. She was pretty cool, giving me some advice on the cones-If you're gonna miss a cone, dont put your foot down. if you put your foot down, dont miss a cone.

    Congrats! Glad you made it.

  3. Yea, soldier, good call. I only figured from what he said his experience was that the rears were properly adjusted.

    Make sure the self-adjusters are set up and lubed. They have to work perfectly to maintain a good pedal.

    He only said he replaced them. They may not be adjusted, I don't know tho. I have replaced shoes before and had to go back and readjust them.

    Jporter makes a good point to. Borrow a scan tool from autozone and check the codes.

    Drum brakes in general suck anyways. lol

  4. Its all due (not do) to (not too) texting and the internet. We have become so lazy and in such a hurry, that we have to cut corners everywhere we can. g2g, ttyl, thnx, b4...and on and on. I'll admit I am guilty of it to. The problem is when you are emailing or writing to someone and you type/write like this. YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! Kids these days don't even know what punctuation even is. And don't even care that there is a difference in their, there, they're, to, too, two....This is referred to as the dumbing down of America.

    Anyways, one of my big pet peeves is "a" and "an". "A" is used before a consonant. He has a book. "an" is used before a vowel. He has an old book.

  5. After thinking for a while...Brakes shoes need adjusted. Adjust them until there is a little bit of drag when you spin the wheel by hand. The shoes are having to come out farther that they should.


  6. Stay safe over there. I was there in 05 and it sucked but just take things day by day and itll be over before you know it

    Yeah I was there in 05 as well, Baghdad. First time to the box? Good luck brother. Keep your head down, your eyes and ears open.Stay safe and come home in one piece.

    As someone asked earlier what they ride? They drive toyota pickups with dozens of people on the hood, roof, bed and bumpers. Never thought you could get like 40 people in one of those. lol

    Oh and watch out for scorpions and them big ass camel spiders!:eek:

  7. Nothing against you at all, I found it funny that she is really only in her 50's and thought other people would get a kick out of it.

    If either of them presented the facts fairly then i would have no problem but like most media they have to make the facts say what they want them to. After reading their columns for the past year i just can't take anymore. Then again Connie Schultz is married to Sherrod Brown so i suppose i shouldn't expect much unbiased information from her. That is not knock on dems or libs at all just simple fact. I no longer read their columns for the same reason I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh or watch Bill O'Reilly, I can think for myself when presented with facts I dont need someone else to tell me what i should think.

    Ah very good, I really do understand where you are coming from. My only thing is you seem like you're on the RIGHT path and I dont want to lose you to the dark side <insert evil laugh here> I hope you keep an open mind on everything, and check both sides of the story. +1 :cool:

  8. First of all Regina Brett is only 53 (clicky) and secondly she is one of the most ridiculous writers that has ever been employed by a newspaper. Regina Brett and Connie Schultz (both writers for PD) are both so closed minded and one sided with everything they write about that i cant even read what they write anymore.

    Didnt say any of it was true or I believed any of it, just some things to think about. If you think their writings are one sided, then aren't you doing the same thing by being one sided and not reading it? If you look at both sides, then you make a decision based on all the information....not just the info you read....

    And this was taken from the link you sent:

    "Beware the Internet. It can age you. I once wrote the 45 Lessons Life Taught Me, then added five more lessons when I turned 50 in 2006. Next thing I know, the lessons ended up e-mailed everywhere. Only someone changed my age. It now reads: "Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old.""

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