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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. My motto is: a lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

    I got tired of coming up with last-minute desperate solutions to impossible problems created by other fucking people.

  2. That is working as intended, that way when you f' up and delete something you didn't mean to you can get it back. And that is the most common cause of data loss.


    Yeah I know that's how it's intended, but I've never really deleted anything I didn't mean to. I would just personally have it mirror what I have and not have my downloads folder be filled up with stuff I deleted and doubles of files I've moved or renamed. I do have another 40gb hard drive attached to it specifically for my school work that doesn't mirror but backs up everything just in case of accidental deletions. Actually my school work will be on 3 drives, my PC, mirrored on my cloud drive and backed up on the other external.

    Just be sure to have an offsite landing pad in case of full-house fire or flooding. That's Dropbox for me.

    Yeah, I've considered that but I'd rather just not have all my stuff on an internet cloud. Plus, I keep a copy of all my DVDs on this and can watch on multiple devices whenever I want. 180gb thus far and I'm maybe 1/4 of the way through copying them.

  3. Is rsync available on Windows? I use it on Mac and Linux.

    I'm looking now but I think either it's not or it's over my head. Talking about linux and binaries and other stuff I have no clue about.  I just downloaded syncbackfree. It seems to be decent, good reviews. It does scheduled backups not continuous monitoring though. 




    Umm yeah lol


    Rsync for Windows

    This guide is aimed at those who wish to use Rsync to backup M$ Windows based machines to Linux Servers or to other Windows Workstations/Servers.

    Set out below are three sections detailing the setup of the Cygwin software, the set up of the Server (daemon) side and the Client side of Rsync.

    Before you get carried away: Please note that the packets sent between the client and the server on port 873 are not encrypted. If you are planning to use this method to back-up Windows based systems via the Internet it is advisable to research the use of SSH before you start. See here for a useful guide to using Rsync with stunnel.

    If you have a Linux server on-site, it may be advisable to use CIFS mounts to your Windows systems, then use Rsync over SSH to back-up the data.

  4. I have a 3T WD MyCloud network connected back up drive. The software that comes with it works, but it doesn't mirror my computer so I end up having stuff backed up that I've deleted from my computer. The other thing is that I am able to access the drive from my phone or another PC from anywhere. When i get into it from other locations I have to go through a list of folders to get to what I want. i.e. F:\WDSmartWare.swstor\GOLDENEAGLE\Volume.e0a84afa.50ae.11e3.b82b.e9274f1274ab\Users\Joshua\Documents


    I had sync toy before and it worked perfectly as far as being able to mirror folders and being able to access the folders right off the bat i.e. F:\Documents or F:\Pictures. The only down side was it wasn't automatic, I had to remember to do it manually.


    I hope this all makes sense. Anyone have any recommendations on free backup programs that'll do this?



  5. She is looking for a good home. She really is beautiful in person too. PM me if you want more details or ways to talk the wife into it.

    I'd like to make this a quick sale before I change my mind.

    Dude, if I had the funds I'd be all over it. And even bringing up a bike purchase would put me in the doghouse for a month...or 6. Lol

    I hope you sell her, she's sure a pretty thing alright.

  6. How would the LEO know you are a white guy, is there something special about your name that designates that you are white?

    EDIT Oh, from your dl record. Not sure the original hit contains that much info. I know cops, I will find out.

    I was a cop. It'll pull up your latest license photo.

  7. So if I didn't have a helmet on, he could have (hopefully) determined that I was not 74. But then he would for possible stolen vehicle. So should they pull over anyone who doesn't match the ethnicity of the registered owner? Black nanny driving white bosses kids around in bosses car. Husband driving wife's car who has her Liscence suspended? All these are lacking PC if you ask me.

    "I miss America"

    I think you're missing it a tad. If I lend my car to a black guy, he's valid I'm not, and the officer runs the tag and sees my invalid status, he should be able to tell I'm not the driver. Therefore he now has no probable cause to stop the vehicle because obviously I'm not driving.

  8. People have no respect for other people things, probably felt like I don't have a nice bike so they shouldn't either.

    Oh, you are referring to the liberal mentality. Lol

    • Upvote 1
  9. Ley me get this straight, in this scenario, someone has already pulled a gun out and aimed it at you, you think is likely that a: they won't squeeze the trigger in the time it takes you to pull out your own gun, and b: they will be so intimidated by your gun that they will drop the one they've already pulled on you, and surrender?

    You missed the fucking point again. Try listening this time. IF, FOR EXAMPLE, E.G., I pull my gun on a bad guy and they surrender, there is no longer a threat, the threat is gone, the threat is neutralized, the threat is no longer. Maybe the bad guy was aiming at another innocent, yeah I think I could fire before he turns and fires on me. If I fucking shoot him in his toe, he trips, falls abd drops the gun and surrenders our runs away, the threat is neutralized, no longer, gone, ended. The reason you shoot center mass is because it's the biggest target area and harder to miss under stress. If the goal was to kill, all shots would be head shots. Shooting at the largest target, under stress to stop the threat from harming you is the goal. Got it this time? Probably not.

  10. Use all the euphemisms you want, we all know what you mean by neutralize a threat. It means to mortally wound, and yes you intend to use it if a situation arises that you feel is justified to do so.(Whether you're actually justified or not)

    Uh no, neutralize means stop a threat. If I pull my gun on a bad guy, be drops his gun and surrenders, the threat is neutralized and not a round was fired. S

    You really have no idea, get over your assumptions. They are all pretty much wrong.

    • Upvote 3
  11. So then you made an uninformed comment on something you could care less about. That is by definition a TROLL. I usually avoid an topic that you post in and this is the reason why; you troll this thread and after you have spent a good portion of the recent past getting after other members for making what you perceive to be uniformed comments or observations . You truly are a fart in the wind, blowing in and stinking up what ever you see fit.

    All his comments are uniformed. He gets an idea in his thick skull and believes that's the only way. Doesn't matter what proof or stats you show him, typical liberal that thinks that he's the only one that matters and is all knowing. I also think he has single handedly killed a lot of the action on this forum. He's pissed off so many and acted like a huge idiot, many members don't put up with it and figure it's better to just stay away.

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  12. Well I'm getting ready to go out, I'll be carrying my sidearm all day. Regardless of what Magley thinks, it won't be with the intention to kill people. It will be for the defense of me and my family should some other fucker want to harm us. Magley still can't understand the aspects of intention and neutralizing a threat that seeked me out in the first place. Some days I think he's just a troll, other days I think he's one of the biggest liberal morons in Ohio.

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