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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Try out a few of the beers talked about in this thread and get back to us. I have consumed more than my share of Bud Light, and many other mass-produced american beers, and all along I've said that Bud Light is watery, or weak. These days, I don't drink nearly as much, and I drink beer more for the flavors, not to see how many bottles I can empty, or how wasted I can get. Hangovers suck, and the headache I get from most of the "Mainstream" beers sucks, too.
  2. And we know it will hold a bike... At least a blown up sumo...
  3. If I want to drink water, I'll grab a bottle of water! (I'm working on becoming a beer snob!)
  4. Haha! You ain't seen nothin' yet!
  5. Well, no GL Christmas Ale to be found around here, FML. The beer selection out around here is less than stellar, so I picked up a Sam Adams winter classics pack. Tonight I had the Chocolate Bock. Much better than I expected!
  6. An old thread (year ago) where Shiddy knew of some guy's location who was stealing bikes, or something to the effect. It would be cool for the OP if the info is still good, but seing that it's an old story, who knows. Keep up people!
  7. Oh, man. Now I have to go read that thread that I conveniently avoided... I just don't like the gubment getting their noses in more of everyone's bidness...
  8. Yeah, just don't assume that it's either way! He works for the company, and the bottom line is to get the job done the best, for the least investment possible. I really hope he's on your side, since this sounds like a good opportunity for you to get some more ink on your resume.
  9. I hope it all works out for the good for you! Just remember, the guy that fires you might also have been out drinking with you! It's not personal, and he may be cool with you, but he does answer to someone too, in the corporate environment. Where I work, I answer to the owners.
  10. I'm not driving that far, although I went further to hang out with OR peeps, so the beer may be more worth a drive!
  11. Looks like I'm SOL, unless someone around here got some in. Nobody had any last weekend.
  12. Well, hopefully i can pick up some GL Christmas Ale then and see what I think.
  13. It sounds like someone eithe rhas your back, or is blowing smoke. I've had similar convo's at my last job, and it was all and ended up being empty promises that I was dumb enough to fall for. The upside, I learned a LOT there, the downside, I don't use any of what I learned anymore, and it has been so long ago that the skills are pretty well outdated, or need refreshed to do me any good for employment.
  14. I set them in my router. I still had to change them in my laptop for work, because the DNS servers through their IP are SLOW!!!
  15. So, for somewhat of a newb to craft/specialty beers, how does GL Christmas Ale compare to Sam Adams Winter Lager? I have Winter Lager right now. A little background about my beer history, I've had several "good" beers in my time, including Guiness and Smithwick's in Ireland (they're much better there) and some premium beers around here, I'm just done with the big American beers, since I seem to slways get a headache from them. I'm not a beer snob, but could easily become one, I'm thinking!
  16. I think my wife just had the pepsi through the nose experience from watching that!
  17. If it's just their DNS servers, use google's. and What version of winders?
  18. jporter12

    which one

    Isn't it more expensive, too?
  19. Do you have other computers, or devices that are still working on the same connection? It's very doubtful that you would have to go to the extent of wiping the system to fix a simple network problem, but I have had to go that far a time or 2.
  20. The tough decision was whether to post it here, or to Facebook first, right?
  21. jporter12

    which one

    I didn't realize you still needed the disc for the PS3! Even Wii has remedied that! For Netflix, many new Blu-ray players and even TV's will do Netflix, so that's not much of a selling point for hardly any device!
  22. They also make add-in, internal wifi cards, which you can add better antenna's, maybe even put an antenna outside!
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