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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. You do? That might be rep worthy... if it was to happen...
  2. I think Pauly got his parade "rained" on, see below!
  3. He IS about the right height... I hear that there's a member on here that HAS a sheep costume. I'm not going to out this person on it though.
  4. A 3 way tie? Since option 2 and 3 are really the same, just the third has a bit more 'tude with it, it looks like it will stay, unless a bunch of panty-waisted bitch-boys vote it down.
  5. On the freeway, I tend to get into the left-hand lane, and ride on the left side of the lane, unless there's little berm, then I go to the right side of the right lane. I tend to exceed the speed limit a bit though, even on the too fiddy, as long as the traffic isn't backing up in front of me. I prefer to get out in front, into the "clean" air, since especially the 250 is thrown around pretty easily in the wind.
  6. I think he forgot how to ride when he got on the newer 919?
  7. How about an "I don't care, I don't use the front page" option? I use the New Posts link, that brings it all up.
  8. According to his FB, he's breaking out the newer one!
  9. I'm sure it's crossed the minds of a few to say something like that!
  10. Oh great. Who let the (typing) cat back in?
  11. No, she's still better than you, AND she has a bike!
  12. No, it was cool. Family time. You shoulda been out there today, I had all afternoon free. I spent it out on the bikes. Wait, I can't talk about riding a motorcycle on a motorcycle forum can I?
  13. I was out where the cell signals don't go.
  14. Good thread for me, as I've been pondering the same questions, as well. Thanks for all the informative answers, and the stupid one's too!
  15. I might head out toward Coshocton tomorrow afternoon, on the too fiddy for a while. Probably leaving here after 1 or so.
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