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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Used to that with you! Everything has to be spelled out, picture book style.
  2. Oh, go work on blistering your feet with the new sandals....
  3. Awwww man.. I just went back to the OP and it's GONE! That''s tright, don't mess around with OR! You WILL get smacked down!
  4. I was just going to say something about more of them being out, but now they're back. When is this big upgrade going to take place, so I can plan something else in advance to help curb the OR withdraw?
  5. Yup. It's 2 wheels with an engine. If you sell one, you can another. Not a big deal, really. Ask around, people do that all the time. Some of them even sell their first bike!
  6. Oh, I don't want the thread locked, just the poll taken down. Actually, I don't personally think the poll should be closed either, I want to know what peeps think about it!
  7. jporter12


    He's not. He's a good actor..... Pataskala is a few miles east of Columbus. Let me know when you head there to put the smack down, so I can go and watch!
  8. jporter12


    And it will only be a few weeks (if that) until they're on the shelves en masse again!
  9. I HOPE that wasn't you in the links that Tpoppa posted, or if it is, I HOPE that you made right with the guy over on badweb. I would let you know my opinion, but i don't think you want it. I think you should close the poll, or have a mod do it for you, or whatever....
  10. jporter12


    If that's the case, I get it. Go back and check....
  11. jporter12


    In hind sight, I wish I had thought to park the cars closer to the road. I's rather be able to get out, and then clear the driveway at my leisure to get them closer to the door. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess. Dibs on the RVT
  12. jporter12


    I didn't measure so far today. All I know is that it's over a foot, and less than 3 feet. It sux when it's more than we're used to getting. The wife HAD to be at work today, she was scheduled at 8am. I started clearing the car off around 7am. The car was out of the driveway and ready to go a little after 8. For the record, the rear bumper of a 2002 Malibu does not make a very good snow plow! I'm fairly confident that if I had just shoveled, it would have taken quite a bit longer than trying to power through it though. At around 8:30 or 8:40 she sent me a message saying she had made it. It's about a 5 mile drive, took about 20+ minutes from my estimation. If we got snow like this more often, I don't think it would be such an issue, but we don't, so it's interesting, to say the least. Also, what's with this clearing on the radar that moved past here? I saw snow coming down still.
  13. jporter12


    About a half hour ago, I went out to measure the snowfall. There's 10 inches in the driveway, and about 50 or so on the top of my car, which has been parked since about 5 or 6. Yeah, it's coming down pretty hard.
  14. jporter12


    Believe it.....
  15. jporter12


    We have 8 or so inches here. It's about the best! We had the "warm snow" earlier, packs really nice, and it's tunring into the "cold snow" powdery stuff. Should be nice for snowmobiles and stuff!
  16. I was thinking about something like that one the back of the INtrepid so that I can take the bikes with us on vacation to NC this summer. That is, IF we get it all worked out to even go.
  17. jporter12


    We have 8+ inches out this way. Officially, they're saying 8, but it's been coming down pretty heavily since then, about an hour ago.
  18. I love them too, I even have a set of them sitting in a friend's garage, but they just don't look right on a thirdgen, unless it's just a base model. I'm looking for a larger "replica" of the first thirdgen Z28 wheels. I see that they're using something similar to what I want on the new Camaro, but no idea the size, or if the bolt pattern is the same (doubt it.) I really only want 17's, I think.
  19. You're confused again..... It takes a real man to wear a bowtie. I'd say go for it, just to get out of the rice. All this car talk makes me want to work on my Camaro again.
  20. Longest post by That Dude EVER!!!
  21. Notice, the .net forwards to .com. Maybe they're "lost" on the .net side? I'm not sure how it's all configured, nor do I want to even go there, but that is some useful information, most likey.
  22. I haven't noticed it with smilies, but for some reason, 614 paintworks logo on the right side of the home page is being intermittent. It was coming up with a red "X", I clicked on it and went back using the back button and it was ok. Refresh and it was gone. I'm thinking it has something to do with the need to upgrade that Casper was talking about before. We're taxing the server!
  23. Even the tax police have to pay taxes! I'm sort of surprised on that one.
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