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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Or like Wags and Elliot who laugh so hard at themselves that they lose any comedic value to whatever they said...
  2. Keep us updated on this! I might attempt a planted tank with the 55 that I have sitting in the basement, and might need some pointers! I would LOVE to do some discus, but they are expensive! At AA they have that awesome corner tank that's planted with a bunch of marble angels, or I thought about some gourami's.
  3. Wow! What is that, about a 29 gallon tank? That's a LOT of angels for that small of a tank! I may be interested in a few, I lost one recently, and only have 2 now, and I don't think they're a breeding pair or anything. My tank looks kinda empty, actually. All of this talk about fish keeping (and the water level being low making it noisy) got me motivated to clean my tank tonight. It looks much better now!
  4. My wife has had a c-section for all 4 kids. On the last one, they snipped her while they were in there. I dodged that bullet!
  5. I especially liked the "weapons-grade stupid" remark!
  6. Oh, I get it. There's just not enough opportunity for me to utilize the benefits. If I was in the market for another car, and a car that I like was available with AWD, then I would likely go for it. An Audi Quattro would interest me if I was in the market for a car, but not so much with Subaru. Nothing wrong with Subaru, I just don't care for them. Besides, when I go through "twists and turns hard and aggressive" I prefer to be on the bike!
  7. Good point there, too. I just don't do a whole lot of driving that AWD would help a whole lot with.
  8. I guess I was vague there, it's the Subaru that I don't like, and since AWD isn't needed nearly as much other than a few weeks total in the winter, I'd rather have something I do like.
  9. Couldn't find the youtube clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFZG8KQJni8
  10. I'm really curious to see how the Pilot does this year.
  11. Ah, the girly version! Go big or go home. Find an older 2500 with the 8100 in it. THAT is a tank. Uh, you're a bit late! (Unless you replaced them overnight...) Subaru's do well, I just don't really like them for driving around the rest of the time, when you don't need AWD. FWD vs. RWD... I'll take most FWD's over most RWD's any day. There are some FWD's that don't do well, and others that are like tanks. The key is what Pauly said, tires and driving abilities. I've never been stuck in my Intrepid. It made it out of our driveway through about a foot of snow in about half the time and effort of the Malibu that my wife had at the time, with the same tires, even though the Intrepid has a slightly lower ground clearance.
  12. If only I had gotten that many A's in school! Very slanted toward all A answers. Try again.
  13. Time to bring this social group back to life! With riding season (for most of us) winding down, let's talk beer! This week, I FINALLY got to pick up a 6 of GL Christmas Ale. Pretty good stuff, but not my favorite by far. One of my favorites this time of year is Sam Adams Chocolate Bock. It's a sham that it's only available in the "Winter Sampler Pack." Whats your favorite this time of year?
  14. I have a couple angels, a bala shark, glass catfish, and an old pictus catfish that has been around for about 15 years, and survived several catastrophe's from my learning what to do!
  15. BUT, not all of us stay away from all places that won't let you carry/are LEO's. No, that would be ORDN...
  16. I think they picked up the sequence where they left off for the 3-letter, 4 number series, even! The XX99XX were only for the bicentennial plates, and I think they ran a couple years. They had to have room to the left for the "Heart of it all" logo, I believe, and 7 numbers/letters took too much room for that.
  17. Scorpion did not fit my noggin, and Shoei didn't fit my budget. I got a HJC IS-16. It has the integrated (internal) sun shield, no-fog visor, much quieter than the Zox closeout helmet that I it replaced. After about a season and a half, the anti-fog doesn't work so well on one side of the visor, so I may just get a new visor to last a couple more years. Maybe then I will try on some more expensive helmets.
  18. I had a Windows Home Server box running, and could stream to the PC's (Media Center) and Xbox, but I did run into the file type problems and such. I'll be following this to maybe work on this again, after I get a computer (other than my laptop) running again.
  19. Depends on how bad the person wants the job, I suppose. It would have to be pretty awesome to get that sort of info.
  20. I've been thinking about another of these (my current one has a key lock) but I'll probably get the bigger one later on.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR2xMw5-FZ8
  22. Bidding war? It's a trap! Glad to see you passed on that one.
  23. I hope that's for a high security job...
  24. Today is the NanoVault that was discussed in another thread.
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