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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. jporter12

    CCW Issue

    Back to the OP, are you friends with anyone else in the complex that doesn't carry, that might be willing to raise the question to the management? That way they would have no reason to worry about being scutinized, and they wouldn't be watching you if they don't get the right answer.
  2. I have dual 22's each has their own articulating arm. The sad thing is that I don't even have a PC to use either of them any more. I use one on my laptop when I'm home, and the other for the Xbox (using a HDMI to DVI cable.)
  3. Here's a a link to the map of how the votes went. Nothing too surprising. http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/votes/?votenum=852&chamber=H&congress=1121
  4. Wow, that's a horrible website! That stuff is pretty thin, I don't think it would interfere with stands. As tbut says, maybe use a kickstand puck. You could always cut a corner of it off to test out how it handles the kickstand out in the driveway, or something.
  5. Don't use. Do you have a link to the one you're talking about?
  6. If he can't help out before then, I may be able to make a trip over there to help you out before Tuesday, say Monday late afternoon/evening.
  7. Snap a pic. I might be able to Tuesday at work, which is near Schrock and Cleveland.
  8. Here I thought you just went mexi-nazi on us!
  9. jporter12


    Well, ya know Ninja 250 > all others, right?
  10. Similar to the stylus pro that I have, and use every day for work. The stylus pro doesn't have high. low, and strobe, just on and off though.
  11. Saw this on FB, knew it had to be you. Just eat more donuts, and get a bigger size that they have in stock!
  12. I was hitting about 70% on the target, do you want to take your chance and see if I can hit you? By the end of the day, the 50 ft down the sights exercise, I was much better than that 70% with a much smaller target.
  13. I have an alarm on my car, so everything inside it is safe. Yes, my 12 year old POS has a very expensive (in it's day) alarm system on it. It's more for the convenience of keyless entry and remote start, but having the alarm doesn't hurt. I very rarely leave anything in it, and where I live isn't exactly a high crime area. Too many people around here aren't shy about stepping out the door and firing off a few rounds. Back on topic, I am curious what this new method is. The thieves that hit at work once in a while must be old school, because they just pop windows.
  14. Aircraft brakes are on a totally different level than car brakes! I work on cars for a living, and after seeing the crap that we get as new or remanufactured, I think a little bit of blasting in the bores would be a lot better than most of what is sold to be put on cars as replacement parts.
  15. jporter12


    How's your thumb? P.S. I never claimed to be a good shot. That is why I took the class, to improve my skills...
  16. Yeah, but it was more like 30 secs, and we weren't talking about MY lack of skills here... At least I'm getting better!
  17. jporter12


    We shoulda' done that last Sat...
  18. But you're a gun whore...
  19. The bores aren't super critical. The pistons are what slide and need to be sealed against. I'm not saying blast away at the bores, but just don't lose sleep worrying how to clover them. DO make sure you get all of the blast media out of them. Soak them in water, flush with brake cleaner, do all you can to make sure the sand is out. If it floats around and gets between the pistons and seals, it could leak.
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