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Everything posted by wicked94s10

  1. I picked up this gas- cahrcoal grill a year and a half ago and i love it
  2. If anyone has seen this movie they should be all for joining a motorcycle club
  3. The sound bars are nice if money is an issue if not go with a full receiver. I have a sound bar in my bed room and although its far better than the TV speakers its not that good. The sound is very directional like previously mentioned. Bose makes the only soundbar worth buying and its over 1000 bucks. Here is my TV in my living room its corner mounted with a speaker on each side, two in the back and a subwoofer in the corner it sounds great
  4. If they offered you 4000 you should trade it in, just my two cents
  5. Ill be doing this next year, you have it good because you only have to ride one way and have a chase car. Ill be riding up to deadhorse and back to Columbus
  6. On April 1st I am headed down to death valley. Im looking for some road, destination suggestions for along the way. I know little to no details yet as I like to last minute things and just find things along the way. The plan is a 14 day ride from columbus to death valley and back, im looking to do about 5 to 7 thousand miles depending on where the road steers me. Here are my plans so far Leave Columbus Arrive in Death Valley Stop at Lake Mead and Hover dam Goto the Grand Canyon Skywalk arrive back in Columbus
  7. I have a stainless springfield 45 with two clips, a case, and houge grips. I live just off diley if you want to check it out
  8. Wish i would have seem this sooner i would have picked that up
  9. Fjr1300 I rode up to Maine on them and they were like new when i got home, ran into allot of rain and they were awesome
  10. Violent crime in Cleveland is over 300 percent higher than the Ohio average http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/ohio/cleveland.html
  11. Cleveland sucks the only thing it needs to be compared to is Detroit.
  12. I can't recall exactly how many but i know i got over 12,000
  13. Sometimes hail can be just as bad as snow, by the time this storm passed there were at least six inches of hail
  14. Just a hand full of times, but i have logged many hours of show riding. One time i woke up to snow in spatanburg South Carolina and had to ride all way back to Columbus with on and off snow showers. That was the last time I rode in cold weather without heater gear i thought i was going to die the while way home. The dense fog and near zero viability through the mountains didn't help
  15. Can I ask why you bought a bike and put it in your dads name?
  16. You guys sound like a couple of Harley riders. This man is going on the adventure of a lifetime not on some lame ass hocking hills two hour trip. Once you start riding in most of these places you lose track of time. Some days I get in the zone and ride for 15 hours straight just stopping for gas and food. That's the difference between living life to the fullest and sitting on Ohio riders wishing you were. . I say 400 a day is fully doable, i like to shot for 500 a day but you have a passenger so that makes for more stops and maybe her wanting to go more places than you do. that long of a trip is hard to fully plan out, i planned out to the west coast then on the way home we just winged it
  17. We got about eight hours from glacier and headed west. They had mud and snow slides that closed the going to the sun road that was the only bad part our whole trip
  18. I don't have a map at the moment but have been planning on making one. Maybe the talk of this will get me to make one
  19. The best ride in America is without a doubt rt 12. It goes from lolo Montana to the Pacific coast. If you go out there its the number one must ride. 175 miles of twisties across the entire state of idaho http://www.motorcycleroads.com/75/185/Idaho/The-Lolo-Pass.html Here's a list of must see Rt 12 all the way across Idaho Rt 16 across the longhorn mountains Beartooth pass Chief joseph highway Road to the sun Pacific coast highway Mt Evans I would suggest making another trip for the grand canyon the north west has so much to see in itself
  20. Here's a good place to start http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=95951 It took us 13 days to do 7500 miles
  21. Almost every brand makes a good tire, the thing you have to find is which of their tires is good for you. I myself suggest either the pilot road two or threes. I believe you can find them online for 250 a set. They last between 10,000 and 15000 based oh how you ride.
  22. Lol so you want a cheap tire that will last forever. That's what everyone is looking for. Lets start off by asking how many miles do you ride a year and what do you consider expensive
  23. Selling a lightly used ps3, comes with one wireless controller, all the cords, and one game. 200 pretty firm Only interested in xbox 360 or tablet trades
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