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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yes. And I still have my gun.
  2. Tonik

    Maid Service

    Only if I get to wear a French Maid outfit.
  3. Damn it, you made day 3 backwards. Damn old people and technology. Ok, here are my ideas. So Wednesday night I would have to slab to Cincy then Thursday turn around and do some slab and basic highway to get to Charleston. I think I will slab to Parkersburg Wednesday night and have fun on the northern section of 16 Thursday morning. I will meet you on your day 1 route near Charleston. Probably in Racine where 94 hits 3. Well done, I really like 3. It's not a crazy twisty road, but it is very curvy and goes through some very interesting areas. But you skipped 16 south of there. That is kind of a must do road when you are in that area. That would put us in Marion that night probably. Day 1 suggestion. https://goo.gl/maps/UaqUkuM86TT2 So I started us in Marion Day 2 and got us on the BRP very close to where you had us starting. We could just continue down 16 and pick up BRP a little later also. Or cut over to The Snake if you want. I don't really care about that road, it's kind of short and a PITA to get to and get out of. And you wanted to hit that eastern section of BRP which is the best section imho. I also added a detour to Day 2 near the end by Little Switzerland. No way we can drive past 226 and 80 and not ride them. https://goo.gl/maps/qTwDfFamXF12 I changed the end of Day 3. Same to Tellico then cut north along part of the Damn Dam tour and then we can hit Devils Triangle at the end and stay near Rocky Top. https://goo.gl/maps/HMYFrDQkZ292 Day 4 F'in slab home. Hope I didn't blow up your plan too much, I have a tendency to do that. Your phone number still end in 82? I can call and we can chat about it. @Pauly you in?
  4. Tonik

    Maid Service

    So all of you are in favor of a 15 per hour minimum wage with full health insurance?
  5. Tonik

    Maid Service

    Pics or it didn't happen.
  6. If I knew that was all it would take I would have shoved my hand up my ass long ago.
  7. Yes. Never been that plugged up. For a few seconds at one point I wondered if I could get my hand up my ass and get the poop out that way. Decided against that plan. Very common.
  8. No one told me. So I needed more Oxy for my ass. It was a vicious cycle.
  9. If you are on Oxycotin start taking laxitives right meow.
  10. Tonik

    Maid Service

    You asshats are just jealous that you don't have a harem of hot chicks in French maid outfits for 10 bucks an hour.
  11. If we leave Tellico on Day 4 which would be Sunday and do the damn tour I will never make it back to Cleveland that night. Your plan works if we meet Wednesday night near Charleston WV for example. then we go through Christainsburg mid day and stop before Asheville, kind of accelerate the rest of your plan. Then by the time we get to day 3 we are part way up the damn dam tour. Hope that makes some sense. I will map it up tomorrow, it will make more sense then.
  12. Holy fuck, feel bad for both of you.
  13. That is a much better plan.
  14. My answer would have been the same.
  15. At 10 feet, assuming your attacker is nekkid you might get 4 inches of penetration. Throw in some clothes and bones and my suggestion is you let them close the distance so you can put the barrel up their ass before you pull the trigger. That is your only chance. Buckshot, it's the new oil.
  16. So maybe something like Thursday down the Damn Dam Tour, part of Devils Triangle then across the Dragon to Robbinsville. Friday a modified Georgia loop and then east towards Roanoke. Saturday BRP in the Roanoke area and so on. Sunday to home. You are going to have a bit of a haul going home if we do it this way. Just thinking out loud.
  17. Tonik

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    You should hit up the track threads and talk about small bikes. They freak out, it's a riot.
  18. Tonik

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    The guy you quoted (coincidentally me) has two bikes. Socioeconomic variables are moot, since it's the same rider on both. One has ABS and has been driven 70,000 miles like a madman and never been wrecked. The other without ABS wrecked in less than 1000 miles.
  19. Get her to take the oxycotin. I was on it recently for six weeks. I didn't get addicted or die. Shit works in minutes and lasts till the next dose. Speaking of shit, if she does take it get her on a mild laxative right away, soon as she starts.
  20. I don't need much warning. They pretty much can't fire me anyway.
  21. Tonik

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    Mods, someone hacked Steve's account.
  22. Tonik

    ABS vs Non-ABS

    Yes, so we should talk.
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