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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Final routes and hotels are being worked on and will be posted soon. I will update this post when it is done. But I wanted to get the basics up here asap so peeps can plan their vacation time. Dates: October 15 - 18. Saturday through Tuesday. Meet spot is just off 77 near Beckley at noon on Saturday the 15th. BP Gas Station. 2001 Robert C Byrd Dr MacArthur, WV 25873 We are going Nomad for this one. Basic plan is roll out of Beckley at Noon the 15th and head south. Then across a bit of the BRP, 209/212 to Maggie Valley. From there we will zig zag towards Franklin. South..jog west...north...jog west...south and roll through Highland area. Then hit the northern edge of GA for Warwoman and Blood Mnt and all that. Back up through the skyway and the dragon. Then Jim and Joe's epic Damn Dam Route through TN and KY to Lexington. Then probably slab home, or 62 to Cbus if time permits. Nomad might sound tough but it isn't. Just like the epic ride we break up into groups, meet for lunch and at the hotel that night. It's really no different than one spot other than trailers will not work and you won't be able to pack 87 billion peeps in one cabin. Routes and hotels will be posted soon. Confirmed going: @Tonik @ScubaCinci @JustinNck1 @Mach Retard Expressed interest: @what @rawlins87 @CBBaron Expressed an interest but in their own group because they are whinny bitches about not being listed in a group: @2talltim Going in spirit only, due to injury. @Tpoppa Not going because they suck: @Casper @cmh_sprint @Hellmutt @snot
  2. Deadwood is definitely the place to stay when out there. Great town and good location to hit everything.
  3. Why when we sign in with a new device does it sign us out of all our other devices?
  4. Lol, thread just went epic. Well done @NinjaDoc
  5. I have no idea man, this is a cluster fuck.
  6. Since it seems this is a Nomadic trip and based on who is going so far I am thinking down through Ripley, you can meet us there. That puts us all in the same spot at the begining of the trip. Then we cut through to Lexington and maybe down that route you and I took last fall and stay in Townsend. Gonna be a long day for the CLE peeps but f' em, they will get over it. On the way back I am pondering, but maybe we can get to Beckly WV by Saturday night. That isn't too bad for you, rest of us can blast up 16 to get home.
  7. Well there you go, you both got a room mate. BTW, I know where all the cheap good hotels are. For example 35 bucks in Franklin at a Mom and Pop roadside hotel that is clean and just fine. 75 bucks in Townsend TN, right at the end of the Foothills Pkwy with a great BBQ place across the street. And cell phone service. Shame Joe doesn't know about this stuff since he is the official planner.
  8. Can't wait for the Drudge headline: Idiot attends Hillary and Trump rallies.
  9. I have been out there twice, once in the spring and once the week before the rally. Never got any crap, other than the usual nose in the air won't talk to you bullshit you get from some of them no matter where you are.
  10. Yea, weather can sometimes go to shit. I have been there in November and been fine. I will admit I didn't think of the cabin sharing thing for costs. I don't share rooms with anyone except the wife so it never entered my mind. I have two solutions, we stay in one spot to accommodate that or you pick up a part time gig as a gay male prostitute to generate some extra cash.
  11. It will be empty down there in October. You can do dragon laps all by yourself if you want. But keep in mind it will be nippy in the mornings at altitude and less daylight. 4 days, leave on Thursday and keep moving is my vote. Post your thoughts in the next day or two and then i will tally it up.
  12. You mean physically clean it? Iso alcohol with a toothbrush or q tip just on the contacts. But that is a last resort kind of thing. I would put it in first. If you mean clean of visus's my answer is different.
  13. Tonik


    Amazingly I didn't get any blood on me, except my pants when I wiped my hands on them.
  14. How long do we want this trip to be, I will start planning routes since @ScubaCinci pretty much sucks.
  15. Tonik


    Dead. Holy Rollers probably got him too.
  16. Tonik


    It was an act of God man. Just standing there pumping gas minding my own business and this patched club of holy rollers pull into the pumps and blamo!! Blood everywhere, all over the tank, the seat and the engine. Shit is hard to get off chrome after it is baked on fyi.
  17. Tonik


    Ok, if they roll up on me again I'm ready. I'm packing now.
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