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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yea, the change.org petition that got your wife back, for one post.
  2. Not giving up our no payment lifestyle, it is too freaking cool watching the money pile up in the bank/investments.
  3. He is not that clever. Not even close.
  4. I so want a three car garage. But having no house payment is just too damn cool to give up.
  5. Ok, I can fix that. Invision has been around since 2002 you blithering idiot. Get your facts straight.
  6. It's been around for a long time. This is the same software since the last big OR upgrade a couple of years ago...just a newer version. Yea, @Casper nailed this one.
  7. Here he is on CNN about this a couple of days ago.
  8. Only one of those, the debate issue is even remotely hypocrisy. You can either detail my bike, or live with the fact that you backed out of a internet flame war deal.
  9. No work. Copy paste ftw. @Casper turn his notifications on so we can do this again.
  10. Excellent point my bike detailing friend. In fact he is considered a head of state.
  11. .....@Casper won't work. You need a space before it @snot And once you type the 'at' sign you have to keep going. If you backspace or screw around it messes up and you have to erase it and start over. I really should get paid for this. I would accept warning points as payment. Or strippers in Windsor.
  12. Or do this. @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci @ScubaCinci
  13. "FU, you don't know how to ride. I am out of here" https://imgur.com/fcB3KgB
  14. ...to take down the wall around the Vatican? I have been there, the wall is massive. The place is a fortress. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/02/18/pope-trump-is-not-christian-if-he-wants-to-build-a-wall-on-the-u-s-mexico-border/
  15. And......it got canceled anyway.
  16. My kid will be on cnn at 530 about this
  17. These, but we don't really need the gun ones. Just the fighting ones. http://www.mysmiley.net/free-fighting-smileys.php Some of these are good. http://www.freesmileys.org/smilies-green-001.php http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys-eatdrink-001.php http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys-sad-001.php
  18. Funny you should mention this. I was just going to bring it up, I needed emoticons earlier and nothing fit the bill. I will compile some links to the ones we need.
  19. So this part kills me.... "So here is my offer to the FBI. I will, free of charge, decrypt the information on the San Bernardino phone, with my team. We will primarily use social engineering, and it will take us three weeks." Who the fuck is he going to phish? The owners of the phone are f'ing dead. And his experts attend Defcon. Jesus, Defcon is full of super smart peeps, but attending and hanging out with them does not make you smart.
  20. I do remember at one point passing a car on the right...they waved me by. I couldn't slow down to their speed, I would have fell over like Artie Johnson on Laugh In. I will never forget looking down in the car as I went by. Dude's wife was sitting there with her hands clenched on the dash with this look of total terror on her face. I imagine she is somewhere right now telling the story of the dude on the bike that passed her and looked over with a look of total terror on his face.
  21. Subaru man. Last vehicle you will ever have to buy.
  22. Thinking of going as a tampon. Figure that is my best shot at her.
  23. Oh. Sorry for mocking you then. Not sorry that I mocked you, just sorry I got busted.
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