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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Make me a Mod, so I can give myself Warning Points.
  2. Case in point two router/firewall types had backdoors. The good guy hackers found them pretty quickly. http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/01/et-tu-fortinet-hard-coded-password-raises-new-backdoor-eavesdropping-fears/
  3. And if you click on the 'x minutes ago' or whatever time is under the thread it will take you to the end.
  4. FYI my kid was just on CNN talking about this. And Joe is right, if there is any backdoor my kid or people like him will find it in a heartbeat. As will all the governments all over the world. Think of it this way, what if China was forcing a Chinese company to put a back door in all the phones we get from there.
  5. Don't click on the thread title. Click on the litte Star (if you participated) or little Cricle (if you didn't participate). That takes you to last unread in that thread.
  6. What I described was exactly what happened. If you look back to mid-summer you will see a thread where Ben is stranded at a gas station with a dead battery. He took it home, charged it for two months, pushed it on the trailer, drove it to the Fall Dragon Trip...unloaded it and got stranded a couple blocks down the street at another gas station. He had to drive to Cherokee and back to get a battery.
  7. It's more a matter of your tone and apparent avoiding a direct answer. Did you condemn Schumer when he tried to block Bush's last nominee? Yes or No.
  8. I am not debating if it is wrong for Cruz to block this. It is wrong. Your reasons dont even come into play. Blocking any judge by any party nominated by any President except in extreme circumstances.....like the nominee is a murderer....is wrong. When we elect a President that is part of the duties we elect him to do. I am also saying that if you make excuses why its ok for your party to do it or fail to condemn them for doing it while condeming the other party.....then you are a hypocritical asshat. Unfortunately, your failure to condemn Schumer leads me to belive that is a hat you are wearing.
  9. And did you say the same thing when Schumer tried to block Bush's last nomination to the Court?
  10. Did you suggest the same thing when Bush replaced Stevens, a moderate liberal?
  11. This is way too competent for you. We want the old Casper back.
  12. I don't have this problem.
  13. I don't have this problem.
  14. Genius idea Snot. I'm in for a hundred.
  15. You are doing it wrong. You need to charge it for a couple of months, never ride it. Load it on the trailer by hand and drive it down to the dragon. Then the next morning drive an hour each way to get a new battery.
  16. A train of Daytona's with dead batteries? I'll have my jump box in the saddle bag.
  17. Windsor has a Casino right by the stripper bars. Just pointing that out.
  18. Excellent news. Very happy for you man.
  19. Shame, it was a good ride and neat place to visit. http://www.wlwt.com/news/historic-rabbit-hash-general-store-a-complete-loss-after-fire/37985894
  20. Did you miss that you get two of them for that price?
  21. Tonik

    CHL renewal

    So went to Geauga today. Got there about 9, wait time was about an hour. 5 people ahead of me. Officer said we were lucky, its been 2 to 3 hours lately. Lots of new applications. There is a question on the form...Are you a fugative from justice. Asked him if anyone ever checked Yes. He laughed said no, but he has had a few background checks come back with warrants so he calls them and says their picture is messed up so they have to come back at which point he arrests them. So now I wait, I should be fine. I expire tomorrow but there is a thirty day grace period.
  22. Tonik

    Cbus Hacker

    No we are not. It morphed into that.
  23. Tonik

    Cbus Hacker

    The district I work at is 80 percent Title One. For you non educators that means 80 percent of our students are below the federal poverty level. Roughly 4500 children. We feed these kids twice a day, all year long. For many these are the only meals they get. We have one student whose dad is in jail for 30 years for selling drugs and whose mom just died from a heroin overdose. We can pony up now and try and save her, or we can pay later to keep her in jail.
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